Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gird Up My Legs

Jude 1:24, “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy,”

Today I was privileged to hear how a Baptist flavored Pastor experienced the charismatic first hand.I say Baptist flavored because that is how he grew up, and though his church is not Baptist per se, or maybe it is I don’t know… he follows their thoughts on the “gifts of the Holy Spirit.” All well and good until he gets invited to a service of a different flavor this week.

I say flavor because our church services are as likely to take on the culture of the people as our home and office live’s do. This service was full of tongue talking, prophesying, praying, slain in the spirit stuff. For those that don’t know, most Baptist don’t accept speaking in tongues. I have never seen people prophecy in a Baptist service, and certainly no one has been slain in the spirit at one… at least not one I’ve seen.

So my friend goes to the service. I don’t believe with any expectations other than to go and observe. After all, he proclaims to have done the research on mass hypnotism, and the fake foolery that can go on in a service like this. But God had a different idea.

In the middle of the service the preacher comes to him to prophesy about his ministry. Funny… how did he even know he was a minister… but that’s a side point. Then at the end of the service the preacher pulls him out to prophesy again, and to pray for him.

On the floor he found himself. Unable to life anything but his head, but bathed in the love and presence of God. Crying, laughing, confounded he had randomly gone to a service to observe but left having met God face to face.

Here is what I found so profound, and what makes me want to jump up and down and say, “YES.” THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT WHEN I SAY PRACTICE THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

He said, “I have had the experience before, just never taken that path to get there.”

“I have had the experience before…” God used the service I am sure to confront his prejudice, but what is so critically important to me is the experience is not tied to the church, the preacher, the prayer. The experience is tied to GOD. And we have access to that experience 24/7.

Sharing the experience of being slain in the spirit is wonderful. But what is more important to God is that we experience Him outside of that, and that it be daily… even hourly… even moment by moment. Just yesterday I was so filled with God’s love and presence that I found myself weeping while driving to work. I have sat in this cubicle, in this office and experienced the same, wiping away tears from the joy of experiencing God and His love.

This is it… this is what I wish everyone would reach for. Not to be slain in the spirit, but to experience God is whatever path He has for you today. To experience Him as fully alone as you would if the holiest man alive were to pray for you.

It is the face of God that I seek. Seek it with me. Show me Your face God. Gird up my legs so that in Your presence I can stand.

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