Thursday, December 22, 2011


Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,”

This week I was marveling at how God has brought me to this point in my work. It seems like April was just yesterday and my desperation to find a source of income outside the mortgage industry met nothing but brick wall after brick wall. In the search between then and October I applied to several hundred jobs. Interviewed with a ½ dozen companies for some fantastic opportunities. Filled time hocking credit card services, burning thousands in gas to earn hundreds of dollars. And yet I see how it all was in God’s infinite plan to get me to today.

My boss took me to lunch the other day, and asked why I picked this company to work for instead of so many others. I told him, “You would not believe me if I told you.”

He said, “Try me.”

I said, “When I hung up the phone with you the first time I felt like God told me to take the job. Nothing else mattered to me at that point.”

So he replied, “So you had a feeling?”

Guess you could put it that way.

Truthfully, in my own thought process I would not have taken this job if: one, I had not been exposed to the credit card service industry. Not a lot to explain there other than the environment with credit card services is similar to the environment I now work. And this mortgage environment is far different from any of my jobs to this point. Two, I would not have taken it unless God told me too. Again, the environment is nothing like I have ever worked in, and way outside my comfort zone. We work from cubicles and there is no privacy at all.

All of which leads me to the point of today’s blog. I come in, show up on time, don’t leave early very often, and never without permission. I work hard, and do what I say I’m going to do. Just what I would do if I were working for Jesus Himself. And low and behold, within two days, two other loan officers have come to me with compliments. Both saying that they trust me, both saying that they know I am not full of crap like some of our co-workers, and both saying that I have “inspired” them in their own efforts.

What a beautiful affirmation from God to let me know I am right where I am supposed to be. Here I though this blog and my books was the only ministry God had for me at this time. Little did I know that there were people watching, and that my work life is also part of that ministry.

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