Friday, December 2, 2011

Turn Back to Praise

Luke 17:18, "Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"

I write a lot about life's challenges, but it would be completely disobedient and ungrateful of me to not give God thanks and praise for the blessings. Or sure, everyday with Him, experiencing His presense, discoverying Him in the offensive, being a reflection of Him to those in my life is a blessing. But from time to time there are those things that come as if an undeserved reward.

So today I give praise to God for Him blessing me with enough work in November to be the top producer in the office. There are 7 of us, all keeping the same hours, all getting the same number of leads, and here in my first month I out performed them all. Thank you Jesus for that blessing.

I have to praise Him as well for my Dad's health, but not only for the successful surgery, but the inspiration to do something about my own health. Not to mention getting to celebrate his birthday today. The scale says I have lost 9 pounds in the same period of time it took to become the office's top producer. As a bonus the weight loss has stopped my snoring for which both my wife and I are grateful.

Today I just praise God for a good life. Even though this life has been full of struggles, I especially turn back to say thank you for the first month in a year where the monthly income will meet the monthly expenses.

Humble beginings that are nothing less than God blessing, and worthy of my praise.

Praise the name of Jesus.

(The photo is my friends Paul & Kristin expressing how I feel)

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