Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Joel 2:28, “… Your old men will dream dreams…”

This post has little or no spiritual significance, at least none that I can see; but I feel compelled to share.

I don’t know about most people, but for me I dream constantly in my sleep. It seems like they last all night. In fact, I can never remember being awakened from anything but a dream. Additionally my dreams are in full color and vivid, and I often remember them if only for a few hours after waking up. (I hope this is not a symptom of some mental illness. LOL) One other thing that is very strange about my dreams is that in them I can fly.

And so the other night I had a flying dream. In it I was trying to teach others to fly. Here is where it gets interesting. I was explaining to my students that flying is not about overcoming gravity, but instead working with it. That gravity is not a force pulling us to earth but rather a fabric of “time & space” (To use Einstein’s words) pushing down on us. That it has multiple layers so  to fly all you have to do is get between the layers. I told them to think of a ball under the covers. The ball is the earth and the covers are the fabrics of time and space. Get between the sheet and the blanket and you are flying. 

Sounds crazy, but I wish I knew a physicists that I could talk about this with. All I know about gravity is that Newton’s theory is not correct, and most everyone in the physics community knows that.

Another interesting dream I had on a similar subject was concerning creation. In this dream I was talking with the Father and I asked Him, “so what’s up with this whole big bang theory?” It was then He started laughing and said, “They have it all wrong. I did not split matter.” It was there He showed me His land moving over water. It goes up and with a karate chop comes down and splits the water. “There is your big bang.” He says. Reading Genesis carefully and in Chapter 1 v. 6 you see, “let it separate the waters from the waters.” Never really noticed that until the dream. 

And so I will close with the only thing I know that is significant about these dreams. That is according to the scripture above, I am now considered an old man. J

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