Thursday, April 12, 2012

Staring Into Eyes

Revelation 1:14, “His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire.”

On the path of life I came to a crossroad. To the right was a rocky path leading up a mountain. The ground was loose, the path was steep, and to choose it would require not only effort but sacrifice. To the left was a path gently sloping downhill through a grassy meadow. Standing at the decision point was a man, unassuming in appearance and humble in stature. Perhaps even a bit frail in appearance.

As I approached the man asked if I would help him take the path to the right. Alone the path would be difficult, but assisting this frail individual seemed too much a burden to bear. And so I declined taking the easy path through the meadow.

And what an easy path it was. The fragrance of the wild flowers filled the air. The gentle downward slope made walking effortless. At the end of the meadow was a forest. What a nice change of scenery I thought as I continued on. Deeper and deeper into the forest I went as I continued this chosen life path. A path that appeared to get smaller and smaller.

As I reached the depths of the forest the landscape changed yet again to what would be better considered a jungle. A jungle full of vines, vine that grew at an incredible pace.  As if under instruction the vines grew in behind me closing off the path in which I had just come. I tried to slow and figure out an alternative, but the vine grew so fast and so close that when I slowed they would almost reach out as to grab an arm or a leg. Deeper and deeper into the jungle I went, quickening my pace all the while. And with each step the damage of the vines became apparent. The life of the jungle had been choked out, and everything was dead except for these wicked animated vines.

In fear I ran. And as I ran I saw a glimmer of hope. In the distance was the glow of fire. Was someone ahead that could help? As I got closer the smell was more noticeable. It was that rotten egg smell often associated with sulfur. But to go further was the only choice and the path behind remained cut off by the vines.

Finally reaching the source of the orange glow the path opened into a grotto. The orange glow was not a fire, but lava running from the cliffs of the grotto and disappearing into the ground. There basking in the smell and the heat was a hideous creature. He had not seen me yet, but I could see him well. Twelve feet tall with skin the color and texture of rust he was lying against a rock it what could be described a bliss. Burned from his body were the remnants of wings. Other protrusion and appendages of the past were burned as well. His eyes were black and his teeth five or six inch long daggers. On his boney hands were talons as sharp as needles. What do I do?

The vines continued to grow in behind me pushing ever closer to Beelzebub himself. My heart beat in fear. My breath gone from my body. Help I screamed, but nothing came from my mouth. Help… help… help… finally the sound came from my body. And with that sound the demon now noticed my invasion, or should I say that his trap has snared him another prey.

Standing to his feet he let out a roar of delight. He approached me on all fours, saliva dripping from his mouth as he prepared to devour me as his next meal.

Help I cried. Help…

No help came, and there was no exit. Filled with adrenaline I looked for a weapon… anything to put of a fight as I will not go easily. Finding nothing of use I postured myself for the attack. Raising my fist the demon hissed at me. With a screech he showed his teeth, but it was not an offense posture. Something had frightened him. And so I screamed, and again the demon hissed, this time taking a step back.

Emboldened with Satan’s defensive posture I was filled with arrogance. “That’s right” I told the devil. “You are messing with the wrong person. I am a child of God.” With that statement he leaped at me, only to stop a foot short followed by a quick 3 step retreat. He continued to stare at me in fear, or at least  in my direction. It was only when I noticed that he appeared to be looking over me that I felt the warm, moist sensation on my neck. It was not a wind… “oh crap” I thought realizing it was breath. Frozen in time and space I turned my eyes are far right as they would go. With another inch to the right from my head I saw him. A lion nine feet tall.

Not just a lion, but a white lion with fur that was as a pearl. Turning to the lion I fell to the ground as if dead. Peeking up to see if he would eat me I saw the lion’s eyes. They were ablaze with fire. Could it be? Could this be the Lion Judah? Bending His head over me the lion gave me a nudge with His nose. I turned and both demon and grotto were gone. Instead I saw the sands of a beach. Turning back around the Lion was gone. In His place was a expanse of ocean. Nothing but water as far as the eye could see.

At the water’s edge was a small rowboat, barely built for two and of questionable sea worthiness. In the boat was the man from the mountain. Humble in stature. With that soft, gentle voice I heard him ask, “Will you help me row, I have somewhere to go?”

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