Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mega Millions

Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,"

At the risk of moving dramatically backwards in my spiritual walk by seeking God’s hand instead of His face, I have been deep in thought and prayer about windfall. The Mega Millions lottery last week was no help. After all a $600 million dollar plus prize would certainly constitute a windfall.

It seemed that every news program was talking about the Lottery. All the DJ’s on the radio were talking about it. More tickets were sold than there are men, women, and children in the US. Here at the office we had a lottery pool going and people talked about what they would do with their winnings if we won. For me I reflected on the possibilities as well, and came to the spiritual determination that for me to win anything beyond my current debts would be detrimental. Yes it would be great to be debt free, but if I am truthful with myself and God then anything more really could thrust me back into reliance on self and not God. And help me if I won a half of billion dollars. I would be worthless in terms of soft hearted.

And these thoughts led to more. I wondered aloud in prayer how many people were making promises to God if they would win. In my book God Speaks I talked asked who would give it all to God. And I am quite sure that there was at least one person who bought a ticket that would have genuinely given it all to God, or at least more than everyone else, who did not win. And so prayers turn to does God even care who wins the lottery?

Was there a lottery equivalent windfall in the Bible outside of the booty collected in the victory of war?

I can think of numerous examples of just enough. The widow, the Israelites, even Jesus and His disciples had most of time filled with “enough.” I can think of plenty of times when there was a miracle of deliverance when famine or need came calling to the destitute. Jesus needed money for taxes for Him and His disciples and the supply was found in the form of a gold coin in a fish’s mouth.

There were times of abundance, like with Joseph in Egypt, but that was not as much windfall and extra from coming lean times.

And so I continue to scratch my head about this idea of windfall. It does not appear to be a godly principle except perhaps in the form of inheritance. Restoration of things lost certainly is a godly principle as Job and many other Bible characters teach us. But does that restoration come in a wave, or in the slow methodical build up as the original wealth came?

Who knows… and really if the focus is on God, who cares? He is able to supply far more abundantly than we ask, but there truly is no more promise than He will give us what we “need.” Being able, and doing are two very different subjects. I for one and thankful that He always gives us what is best for us. 

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