Friday, December 20, 2013

Visibly Invisible

John 4:24, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Do you realize that according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, nothing you see, no physical matter exists without energy exceeding the speed of light. Of course God says the He is light, and nothing exists outside of Him, but from an articulable scientific perspective everything is really nothing more than the sum total of the energy it contains. We have the planets, and universe, and protons, and neutrons, and it all because God said let there be light. When light was born energy accelerated to the speed of light creating photons which are both energy and matter. As this energy accelerated faster, the stars and planets, and elements formed etc. So in my theory, if the universe stops expanding faster than the speed of light, then all things matter cease to exists, and all that remains is energy. God is there, at that point where matter does not exists. He is in the creation and outside of it simultaneously. He is what holds everything together.

So what’s the point?

The point is that God is visibly invisible. In Him we live and move and exist (Acts 17:28) but all this “stuff” that is around us is quite irrelevant to seeing the invisible God by and large. I think of the term murmuration as it describes the synchronistic movement of hundreds of starlings as if some master painter were sweeping his invisible brush across the sky. It is that indescribable energy, power, coordination where we see where the invisible God is. Want to see God? Then you have to look for the shadow He has cast, and hopefully like the prophet see His back as He leaves where He has been, all the while trusting He is everywhere and doing everything.

This is what I find fascinating, thinking and then praying on things of this nature for hours. How can I know God more? How can I overcome more often? What about me that I don’t see controls those things about me that I do see? What is my consciousness? Is there a difference in my physical brain originated consciousness, and the consciousness of my soul? When all of me that consist of carbon molecules and water is gone, what is the energy that goes on? What is the consciousness that continues? Where in the body does the soul and body interface, as the soul cannot be the brain because the brain perishes?

We as humanity do a whole lot of worrying about what we see, and how others see us. We worry about not doing on the outside when all along we are rotting on the inside. The invisible is what really matters. The invisible is where eternity is.

The kingdom of God is here right now… invisible and inside those who know Christ. How to we become more aware of that now?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Significance & Acceptance

Luke 16:15, “And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.”

I first heard this concept of significance and acceptance from Dusty Kemp who incorporated into a message or two of how all of mankind universally seeks significance and acceptance. Perhaps he got this idea from Maslow who placed “esteem” between “love & belonging” and “self-actualization.” Regardless of its source I think any self-reflecting individual can agree that we all do want to be accepted and valued by others. We desire to be respected and to be considered significant, if not by the world, at least our family and friend groups.

Yet as natural as the desire of significance and acceptance comes, it is according to Christ not something originated with God in heaven. “That which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.” This is not to say that we should be characters of low self-esteem, but perhaps only that our “self-esteem” should come from our relationship to God, and not some ability to gain acceptance among men.

For me, I constantly struggle with suppressing esteem as a motivation. And God is constantly at work not allowing esteem motivated actions to yield the praises of men. In fact let me even say that there is false esteem which seeks man’s acceptance, and though the scripture does not say it, there are actions which God esteems, namely Christ at work in us.

I compete at work for little pieces of plastic recognizing most sales. Do I do it so that I can have a reminder of God’s faithfulness and blessings? No. I do it so that the people within the organization will know I am valuable to the company, and that they should esteem me in my dealings with them.

Sometimes my soul is lulled to sleep into thinking that I am beyond this very human motivation. Because I have become very comfortable as a loner, lost in my introverted mind and thoughts I lose my awareness that family, friends, co-workers, even strangers continue pull on the false esteem within.

Just the other day I was sharing with my dad an entrepreneurial adventure I am trying to embark on. It met with his immediate disapproval and criticism. And that criticism incited the anger within me. In fact, my first thought was laced with profanity and the very clear “I will show him.”

Why? Why was I mad? Why did I want to show him?

I did because my human nature was to seek significance and acceptance from him.

But I did not react. I did not speak, but miraculously became very aware in the moment. And my reply was, “That hurt my feelings that you didn’t think I was capable.”

Reality is his acceptance has nothing to do with my obedience to God. It has nothing to do with my reliance on God. Because of Christ I am accepted. Because of Christ in me I am significant. Selling the most at work is God’s blessing. The venture coming together is God’s walk with me in to a new chapter of challenges and dying to self.

Nearly 22,000 people have read my writings at this point. It kills me that there aren’t more comments, more accolades. But God has a different plan, and that plan is to crush the need to be esteemed among men.

I wrote a friend the other day, and to be frank it was 100% God, and it was good. I wanted, I even expected him to write me back with praises of how dead on I was. But instead he published my words as coming from an anonymous source. What a magnificent sign of significance and acceptance from GOD! What a magnificent reminder that I do not need, though I still want, the esteem of men.

Who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to please?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Love is NOT “Fair” Part II

John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”

As I continue to explore the idea of God’s love, and that God is love… I continue to find conclusively that love, true unconditional love, is not fair. Or should I say love does not in any way equate with material equality. And yet, in spite of God being love we somehow blame mankind for the financial disparity. The chasm of wealth difference between individuals magnified with comparing Bill Gates to the lowliest Batwa tribal member has us crying foul. (Batwa being the poorest people on earth) Does God love Bill Gates more? Has Bill Gates “accumulated” too much? Has mankind and capitalism counteracted God’s love and created the imbalance? Better yet, in our own little microcosms is Christmas and the gifts of the season some kind of example of how it “should” be? Are we righting wrongs and sharing love in giving gifts equally?

The resounding answer to all these questions is, no! What we fail to see is that God’s love is only concerned about today to the degree that that our interaction with life improves our character for some far off day and purpose in eternity. God, and only God knows the point at which life truly begins. That beginning point is not birth on earth, but I would suggest that life begins when our soul can walk and talk with our Creator in eternity. (I wish everyone could see how powerful that statement is.) All of this time on earth is the classroom of our soul. For some it is the potter’s wheel of the soul. For some it is the gold smelting furnace for the soul. For other’s it might be a garden for the soul. But each day, each interaction, each breath is governed by God’s love and His desire to be truly with us in eternity.

God is not, nor ever has been concerned with fairness as it relates to material or even earthly equality. Leviticus 19:15 says, “… you shall not be partial to the POOR nor defer to the GREAT, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly.” And so “fair” has nothing to do with equality, but transcends the earth and considers the soul’s eternal good. There is, and will always be the poor and the great (rich), but our interactions should not be governed by that. This is very much the message of Christ who in fact said, “You will always have the poor with you…” (Matt 26:11)

Have you noticed how the Bible tells us very little about heaven and the afterlife? Have you ever wondered why so much is left to the imagination? In part I think it is because the afterlife is about directly interacting with God, and what environment that interaction takes place in is irrelevant in comparison to the fact of being face to face with God. I think also little is known about heaven is because man in his god complex and sin infested free-will would try to concoct ways to make it there outside of a character conformed to the image of Christ, and outside of Love which is God and is the consideration of what is best for a person’s ETERNAL soul.

It is the unknown, it is eternity that love is concerned with, and as such must constantly depend on relationship to God, and not only relationship but obedience to God. “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” Christ said. This is not simply the commandment to love Him and others, but this is perhaps primarily those softly spoken commandments directly to our soul. The commands that say, give this to that person, or write this to her, or go here to see him. The individual commandments that are acts of love and influence eternity are limitless.

Having said all of this I would like to be practical with this lesson at Christmas time. Christmas has become a holiday of spending. For many of us, our background, upbringing, doctrine, sense of social justice dictates that we must be “fair” and therefore equal in our gifts. For some we must spend the same amount on each child or family member. Based on the experience above, this is NOT love. What if you as a parent have 3 children and $100 to spend? Do you spend $33 on each? What if 1 truly needed something that cost $60? Would you be ok with meeting the $60 need, and giving the other 2 something at $15 each knowing they have no pressing need? Or does your love dictate that a “need” can be sacrificed in the interest of fairness? Or worse, would you give the all three $60 by borrowing $80 more from credit cards or the like?

As a child, is your love offended if your parent(s) seemingly gives more to a sibling?

In any of the above scenarios do you respond from instinct and education, or do you give prayerful consideration to it all. Can the offense of one child, and the need being met of another both be God’s love? Or has man played favorites? Whose plan are we executing? Whose kingdom are we building? Love is not fair, but love is perfect and at work saving us from ourselves.

The photo today is from Jim Spivey’s blog, and here is what he had to say, “…they claim to want to follow God’s Will for their lives, but they rarely know how to listen for that, because they are too busy trying to executing their plan, while protecting themselves, all the while claiming it’s about God.  God rarely conveniently fits into or behaves within our plans.  And He rarely protects us the way we first want protection.  Remember He is always willing to give us more than we know how to ask for.  We know how to ask for entertainment, pleasure, safety, surface stuff like that.  He has created Life, which will demolish our plans every time, NOT to hurt us, but to save us from ourselves and our busy, distracted, frenzied castle-making.”

Love with obedience, fully understanding love has nothing to do with fairness as we know it. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Impasse of Reason

Impasse by Stephen Adams
Ephesians 2:4-5, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we are dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ,”

At some point I might cease to be amazed by God and how He coordinates all of life to teach us and lead us in this perfectly timed, orderly expression of His love. But today I once again “stumbled” upon His wonderful murmurations of love. This time with my favorite preacher of the past T. Austin Sparks. (May I stop here to thank God for all TAS’s writings and more so that the are 100%S available on the internet for free at

If you have read my last two posts then you have walked with me in this crisis of love. I described it as clearly as I could, but then I read TAS today and he expresses it so concisely. He wrote in the very first chapter of “His Great Love” that, “Any of you who have known anything of a life with God can test it by your experience. You have these deep crises, you come to an impasse by reason of the ways and dealings of the Lord with you, and the one thing, the only thing, to save you is a new knowledge of the Lord. I ask you, has He EXPLAINED Himself to you in the first place? Has He ever come to you and said, "Now this is exactly why I have taken you, and am taking you, this way" - and so solved your problems and satisfied your mind? Has He done that? Not in the first place. No, the first effect of this deep exercise of your heart is the knowledge of His heart; that is, arrival in a new way at the fact and the reality of the love of God.” That is it… T Austin gets it… I am at an impasse of my reason, and I long for nothing more than to know the in comprehendible heart of God.

The whole work is wonderful to read, but let me share a little more in context before I go. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. For me it confirms I am on the right tract and not crazy.
“All the dealings and ways of God with His own people will have a twofold result - but mark well that this is with His Own, who have come into some very real and vital relationship with Himself in an inward way.
Firstly, a deepening exercise to understand Him, to know Him. Think about that. Is it not true that God's dealings with us and God's ways with us have the effect of causing us to reach out longingly for a knowledge, some better understanding, of Himself; when things have got beyond us, nay, the Lord has got beyond us. For all that we know, for all that we may have learned, He has got beyond us now. He is too deep, too hidden for us now; He is defeating all our efforts and all our ability to understand Him. But we are not just prepared to leave it there and throw up our hands and say right away, "Well, I do not understand the Lord, I do not know what He is after, what He means; I give it up." Those in whom the Spirit of God is at work find that, although they may be in such a position as to be completely helpless and hopeless in the matter of knowing and understanding the Lord, at this juncture they find they HAVE to know, they MUST know, they cannot just leave it there and give up. Everything depends now upon knowing the Lord anew. And it is a very big everything - far more than our life here on this earth as mere human beings. If that were all, we should cut it short and seek the way out through the forbidden door. But we know that something very much more is at stake than just the finishing of the tenure of our days on this earth. Everything that matters over and above this earthly life, all that we have said and professed and claimed and hoped for, is bound up with this crisis. There has to be a discovering of the Lord in some new way. That is the first effect of the Lord's dealings and ways with His Own.
The second thing, as issuing from that, is the resultant knowledge - not in the first place of His mind, not an explanation to our reason, a solving of our problems, a satisfying of our enquiries, but the knowledge of His heart. Any of you who have known anything of a life with God can test it by your experience. You have these deep crises, you come to an impasse by reason of the ways and dealings of the Lord with you, and the one thing, the only thing, to save you is a new knowledge of the Lord. I ask you, has He EXPLAINEDHimself to you in the first place? Has He ever come to you and said, "Now this is exactly why I have taken you, and am taking you, this way" - and so solved your problems and satisfied your mind? Has He done that? Not in the first place. No, the first effect of this deep exercise of your heart is the knowledge of His heart; that is, arrival in a new way at the fact and the reality of the love of God. We shall come to the wisdom of God through the love of God. We shall come to the understanding of God only along the path of the love of God. Everything is revolving upon this pivot of the universe - the heart of God.

Is that not proved in many ways, and not least by spiritual conflict? Upon what does spiritual conflict turn and hinge? Well, when we get into the vortex of a great spiritual warfare, where the pressure is almost unendurable, where everything is going against us, when the heavens are as brass over us and our prayers seem to get nowhere, when the Word of God seems a sealed book, when adversity and disappointment follow on in quick succession, what is the upshot? The upshot is the love of God every time. When the evil forces create conditions like that, and when the Lord is giving them so much liberty for the time being, those forces are always near to whisper about His love, to turn for us His love into hate. "This is not His love, this is the opposite of love!" Is that not true? You have only to get right down, really down, to have that issue of the love of God presented to you. The heart of the universe is this matter of God's love.”

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What is Love?

1 John 4:8, “The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

In my last blog I wrote a very heart felt statement of, “Honestly it makes me cry now, as it made me cry then. Because even though His love surrounds me, even fills me at time, I cannot truthfully say that I "know" God’s love. I do not know or understand the fullness of His love. I do not see into His heart like He sees into mine. And I certainly do not understand God’s love. Even at this point in my life my understanding of God’s love seems so objective. I yearn for a more subjective understanding.” Even today having meditated on God’s love for several days I continue to stand by that statement though all the while surrounded, even bathed in God’s love though consciously unaware most, if not all, of the time. And so perhaps this was a cry of ‘God make me conscious of Your love, help me understand Your love, or even help me be an example of it.”

Perhaps it was that very paragraph that trigger in my friend Jim Spivey the need to text me, “Do you KNOW that God Loves you? If not, HE REALLY DOES… and so do I.” Now of course I know God loves me, but sometimes I don’t “KNOW” that He loves me, because in the moment that “love” can feel sadomasochistic. But what really triggered me about Jim's statement was not does God love me, but the part where he said, “and so do I.” That is the part that I wanted to call bullshit on. I thought liar not because he doesn't actually love me, but because I have a close enough relationship to him and I see how he “treats” others differently... not that he has ever treated me poorly because he has not.

Stay with me on this please… Jim obviously loves his wife and children. If you know Jim for any length of time then you also know his friend Aaron… if Jim were to say he loves Aaron I could totally agree with him. And it is here, in this observation, in this thought process that God revealed something to me. That truth is that love is not fair. Do you hear me? LOVE IS NOT FAIR. Love does not, nor ever will give equal treatment to all individuals. I was reminded of the Protocol Son. I was reminded of Peter’s relationship to Christ compared to the other disciples, and I can go on and on where fairness was never a standard or measure of love. But how can this be if God loves equally? Why are the expressions of that love so different? Why was I born a white male in America in the twentieth century and not Somalia yesterday?

The truth as God explained to me lies in eternity. Love does what is best for the long term… namely providing what the soul needs to be maximized in the character and love of God long after removed from the confines and confinement of the earth.

Still being unaware of what God is trying to teach me about love Jim continued to text me over the next several days. The last text came on Saturday. It said, “You are adored, way more than you KNOW. Realize that this is SO, and that nothing can make it GROW, and absolutely nothing can make it GO!!” Up to this very point my thoughts of Jim’s texts were that he does like me, and he is trying to “fix” my self-image of love. But for some reason, this text broke through. The break through had more to do with the number of affirmations than the words of this one, I thought how audacious is God’s love. And with that I replied, “J”.

The next day I looked forward to what Jim would text me, and nothing came. My thought was, “see he was trying to fix me out of his own ability, it was not a true expression of love because he ran out of energy to do it.” And then the Holy Spirit spoke as clearly as I am typing. “Those were my expressions of love, and in Jim obeying Me he shared in My love for you.” Somehow, had there been another text it would have actually been Jim’s liking of me, and not God’s love of me. And in all of this, beyond the fact that love is not fair, His love is also so inseparable from obedience. Jim obeyed, and in that obedience I finally awoke to something new with God’s love. Oh I have experienced it thousands of times, but have remained largely unconscious to it.

I could stop here, but why because God did not stop here.

In His perfect murmuration I was driving home yesterday, and became thirsty. What popped in my mind was to stop at the Exxon station. I NEVER stop at an Exxon station. Walking in there was a homeless black man. He had a rolling suitcase of all things, and a baseball cap with 3 different kinds of skoal in it and a pack of menthol cigarettes in it. He was sitting on the suitcase blocking one of the doors to the convenient store part of the station, and had skoal all over his mouth. On top of that he was talking to himself and flailing his arms about. Inside the store the two female workers were complaining about him. I told them he is obviously mentally ill. To that they showed no compassion, and told me they had called the police.

I was filled with compassion. After my purchase I walked outside to the man and said this, “Unless you are hungry and would like a bologna sandwich and a warm place to sleep tonight I would probably go ahead and move on. The ladies inside have called the police.” Immediately he jumped up and left.

No big deal right?

Until the Holy Spirit said, “See you do know how to show My love.”

My thirst, my stop, the man, the compassion, the advice… all an expression of God’s love to a homeless man. Awesome!

And so I thought, “Which is better, to give God’s love or to receive God’s love?” The answer is clearly both. 

And to Jim... I do get your last message. KNOW God's love, so that I can GROW in it, and then GO show it to others. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Do You Know I Love You?

Deuteronomy 7:13, “He (God) will love you and bless you and multiply you…”

Several times in my lifetime I have had a spiritual crisis of trying to understand or grasp the love that God has for me. In one of these crises God taught me that He does love me in and of myself, completely outside of anything I can, can’t, won’t or will do. And yet when I think of this love relationship that I as a Christian am supposed to have with God, and that He is supposed to have with me; I most often only consider my own heart and do I truly love Him. I think more often of Christ asking Peter if he loves Him than I do of Deuteronomy or even John 3:16 and Him loving us.

As a result, quit often in my prayers to Him I will be filled with this love of God, and I will ask Him, “Do You know that I love You?

Most often His response in my spirit is, “I know you do.”

And so while driving home the other day I was just filled with the love of God and I asked, “Do You know that I love You?” And yet this time His response was different.

He said, “I know you do… Do you know that I love you?”

Honestly it makes me cry now, as it made me cry then. Because even though His love surrounds me, even fills me at time, I cannot truthfully say that I "know" God’s love. I do not know or understand the fullness of His love. I do not see into His heart like He sees into mine. And I certainly do not understand God’s love. Even at this point in my life my understanding of God’s love seems so objective. I yearn for a more subjective understanding.

I can describe this like knowing Christ. So many Christians appear to live only knowing about Jesus, having never encountering Him in relationship. That is where I am with God’s love. I know that He loves me, I can explain some things as His love for me, but I truly don’t live in the full awareness of it.

God asks, “Do you know I love you.”

I reply, “I know You like me.”

Father help me to truly, subjectively not only know Your love, but to live in it.

Having written this yesterday my friend Aaron unknowingly shared this poem and video below with me. 

The Thorn 
Martha Snell Nicholson

I stood, a mendicant of God, before His royal throne
and begged Him for one priceless gift, which I could call my own.
I took the gift from out His hand, but as I would depart I cried,
'But Lord, this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart.
This is a strange and hurtful gift which Thou hast given me.'
He said, 'My child, I give good gifts. I gave My best to thee.'
I took it home. And though at first the cruel thorn hurt sore,
as long years passed I learned at last to love it more and more.
I learned He never gives a thorn without this added grace:
He takes the thorn to pin aside the veil which hides His face.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mad As Hell

Ephesians 4: 26, “Be angry, and yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger,”

For the past several weeks I have been angry at everyone and everything. Angry with co-workers, angry with fellow drivers, angry with wait staff, helpers, detractors, kids, parents, you name it. I have inexplicably been mad at all of humanity with special attention on those who like to drive below the speed limit in the left hand lane.

For me I know some of it is physiological, and my annual physical cannot come soon enough. Certainly I can feel my thyroid medicine is off, and perhaps all the others are as well. But aren't we supposed to overcome anger. Shouldn't we have this mysterious harmony with mankind simply because we gave our lives to Christ? Isn't peace, patience, and understanding supposed to overtake us?

I was at breakfast with some friends a couple weeks ago and I shared with them my overactive irritability. Jim said he learned to overcome anger when he learned to embrace and live in the fear?

What? Now I’m pissed at Jim. Didn't he hear me say I was angry… not fearful?

My wife certainly is ready for a return of the “sweet Jeff.” And somehow she knows that I am really not some vicious dog, but more of a whinny tittie baby.

Snap out of it, I tell myself.

But that doesn't work. I am mad as hell. Now I know it is God bringing, or at least allowing this “anger response” to come to the surface. And finally this morning I had a brief moment where He too was not an object of it, and here is what He showed me.

He showed me that both Jim and my wife were right.

Have you ever had a rescue dog? They have be very neurotic. We have a little rescue Chihuahua that will bark at me like I am going to kill it. Is it mad at me? Certainly not, but for some reason it is afraid of me. They say because a man abused it.

That’s me. Not angry because of abuse per se. But this whinny tittie baby in my corner, wanting to be left alone, but when someone interferes with my peaceful corner, what do I do? An angry response to an irrational fear.

Get out of my way you idiot, I say to the driver… but it is really me being afraid I won’t get home in a reasonable amount of time. Or afraid I will be late.

You deserve to be fired, I think of my co-worker… but it is really a fear of not making money and having to struggle to pay my bills.

What are you thinking, I ask my children… but it is really a fear that they will find themselves later in life unable to take care of themselves, while I live in the reality I cannot take care of them myself.

Anger, irritability is part of life and a body that can respond very negatively to chemical changes, weather changes, and just change in general. But just because we are angry there is no need to sin. For me I am going to explore this fear thing further in hopes of overcoming anger in my soul, in hopes of being more like Christ. What will you do with your anger?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pipeline Not Pie

2 Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.”

Proverbs 14:23, “In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty.”

The world seems divided into two camps. The socialists that believe somehow the rich have accumulated too much, and therefore need their wealth redistributed to bottom. In other words; tax, steal, or otherwise dispossess some percentage of the population, and give it to the rest. They argue that the top 15% shouldn't “control” 95% of the wealth. As you should surmise by the end of this, 95% of the pipeline flows through 15% of the population, but they do not “control” anything.

The capitalists on the other hand believe that somehow paying taxes is stealing from their pie that they worked so hard to obtain. They believe in an American “dream” that anyone can make it to the top. They believe their intelligence or skills made them who they are, and yet look how many lose everything. Look for how many the inflowing pipeline dries up, and the outflowing pipeline leaves them dry.

I am here to tell you that both camps are wrong. There is a third option. That third option is to believe by faith in GOD’s economy. An economy where differing responsibilities among the populous is understood and embraced, and where sufficiency, lack, and abundance are all a blessing. But how do we find this truth? How to we move away from the right and left, which are both wrong, and look upward for the third option… the Christ option.

I think it begins with first understanding money. Money is NOT wealth. Money is literally 0’s on a piece of paper that a system called banking keeps track of. In fact, in terms of printed cash, I would suspect there is less than 10% printed cash available compared to the trillions of 0’s on paper.

Money is a measurement. It is a measurement of labor.  Nothing more and nothing less… unless you want to include a medium of exchange, but even in that it is a measurement of someone’s labor you may not see. Let me give you an example.

Someone labored to get iron ore out the ground to make steal. Someone else labored to move the iron ore to a factory. Factory workers labored to make steal. Fabricators labored to turn that steal into an oil rig. Oil workers labored with that rig to drill for oil. More labor was used to move the oil to a refinery, and more labor was used to refine it into gas, and then deliver it to a gas station where we buy it for $3.00 a gallon. When we pay $50.00 to fill our tank up, that money pays all that labor. That money flows like a fluid in a pipeline back through all those hands. The gas station pays the refinery, which pays the oil producers, who pay for their rig, who pay for their steal. And as money FLOWS through the pipeline it eventually comes back to us. For me, I work in the mortgage industry. All that labor paid needs housing, which pays me.

And so money comes in, and it goes out. All based on labor.

Gold is $1300 per ounce. That represents the labor it takes to find and deliver an ounce of it. Some is found in the ground, some is found in peoples safe, but there is labor to find it. Did you know that Gold has been made from mercury by bombing it with neutrons? But to do this process it takes $4000 in labor to produce 1/3 ounce. So Gold is not rare, it is just too expensive (labor intensive) to get it other than the current way.

Money as a measure of labor is limitless. Money does not come from a pie where someone has, and someone does not. In fact, if you were to study the top 15% or earners in America, the likelihood of them having “money” more than about 10% of their income sitting in a bank is very rare. In fact it is in the pipeline system. Their money is moving, just like your money is moving.

Money comes in, and money goes out. The prudent have a storage of money, so that if the money coming in slows, the money going out does not necessarily have to slow. Or if the money going out suddenly sucks from tragedy or unexpected suspense, then too there is a reserve. The fact that some have reserves and some do not, in general does not affect the whole pipeline, with certain exceptions like today’s economic times.

What is important about money is that there is flow. There is what economists call the velocity of money.

So what does this tell us as Christians? How do we move away from idea of have’s and have not’s, to God’s economy of all needs are met? I think we must first understand that money is a measurement of labor. If you are to have it FLOW through your hands you must labor. I labor primarily as a loan officer. My friend Jim Spivey labors literally for God meeting people in their trying times for comfort and insight. I get paid by a publicly traded company. Jim gets paid by donations, often from people he does not even meet with. But God moves that flow through our hands because of our labor. Because we get up every day, get dressed, and go into the world to labor at what God has for us. We tap into God’s pipeline which has limitless flow. It makes no difference if George Soros, and Bill Gates have billions. The pipeline is there for us all. We only need to understand it is God’s pipeline; it is not the US Government pipeline, nor the Capitalists pipeline, and certainly not the socialist's pie.

We labor “as unto the Lord” and the pipeline flows in… we obey and the pipeline flows out… but I will say the outflow for another day. Simply tap into the understanding that money is a measurement that flows like an endless artesian well. Stop living without faith in the mindset that money is a pie, and that if someone has, I therefore cannot have too. Start living in the faith that today I labored just as God would have me, and as a result a measurement (money) of that labor is going to flow through my hands.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Gift Horse

Psalms 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

This post is a continuation of “Dead Battery” from yesterday.

It is early October 2013 and Field Trial season is upon us. Field Trials being a competitive season where (in my case) pointing dogs are run on horseback to see which will find birds with the most style, grace, and perfect obedience. For me, it is my current favorite past time.

Last year my dog and I competed on my horse Zip. He is an awesome paint horse perfect for the trail, but for field trials which are done for hours at a time at a faster than walking pace… Zip is not so good. Being ungaited riding him for hours will literally beat your brains in, and a sore back is standard. Most competitors… or should I say ALL the competitors ride gaited horses like Tennessee Walkers or Missouri Fox Trotter’s. Gaited being the way they move, and that movement being smooth and not bouncy like my Paint horse. But to get a field trial proven horse can be moderately expensive. A decent horse starts at about $3500, and it was my goal to have saved for one over the last year. But that didn't work out.

And so Saturday morning I was on my way to my friends 25 acre farm to train my dog Remi, and as I went I was thinking about the two batteries I just put in my truck, and my daughter’s wedding. I was praying, thanking God for the money for the batteries, and really thanking Him that He has a plan for the wedding, but I was also letting go of buying a horse, at least this year. In my mind I was saying there is no way I can get a horse before a wedding, and was really thinking about riding Zip again this season.

Mind you just a month ago my wife was online looking for me a horse. Her only pre-requisite was that she and her daughter both wanted me to get a horse colored blue roan. And she found a couple for $3500 but I never went to look at them for lack of a way to pay cash for them. I could have borrowed the money as horses can be financed, but that wouldn't be a God thing. 

But back to my story… And so after training Remi I was talking to my friend about his 4 horses. I said, "You know that old horse over there is a bad cribber? (Cribbing is when a horse chews on the fence) He said, “No kidding, you want him?”

I said, “You’re kidding right?”

He said, “No, I’m tired of him chewing on my fences. In fact, I’m taking him to Eureka, and hope we don’t come back with him.”

So I asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

My friends replied, “There is nothing “wrong” with him. Except he doesn't like men, because one beat him a long time ago.”

I said, “That’s not a problem.”

To which his wife said, “You won’t even be able to catch him.”

Well it took a while, but to everyone’s surprise I was able to catch him, and get a halter on him. Then we saddled him up, and I took my new FREE horse for a ride. And he did great. Smooth as silk.

Now to add some murmuration to the Gift Horse. The horses name is Huckleberry, but they call him Huck. Huck is was a nickname my Dad was called when I was a kid. And in case you are not aware of it, that color is blue roan. :-)

All I can say is. “Thank you God for loving me soooo much. You never cease to amaze me. How wonderful it is to get a gift that is beyond a need. I love You!”

This as much as anything has caused me to look back and see all the blessings, particularly in the last year. I haven't counted it all up, but I have seen at least $10,000 literally fall out of the sky. (Miraculous expression of God's love and miracle ability.)

I am not destitute, poor, broke, though I hope in spirit broken. My life is not any tougher than anyone elses, but rather a lot easier than 90% of the worlds populations. All of the struggles I write about are not to highlight the struggle, but to highlight God in them. Don't be jealous of me being given anything, and nor do I want you to hurt when I struggle. It is all God at work to bring me to the end of myself so that when I collapse in exhaustion I collapse into His arms. Any struggle is there so I can say to God, "I give up, I surrender, I can't do it, I have to rely on you."

Any blessing is not God saying to me that I have done good, or that I have earned anything, or lived a perfect life if momentarily, but it is there to say, "I love you in spite of yourself." And therefore it all is a blessing. The struggle and the gifts are blessings because God causes ALL THINGS to work together for good. I pray today that God would show you the truth of this, not in my words, but in your life.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Dead Battery

Deuteronomy 18:39, “You shall plant and cultivate vineyards, but you will neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes, for the worm will devour them.”

To you ever feel like everything you do turns to crap? Or how about just when you are about to get ahead some problem arises that eats up the little bit of savings you managed to accumulate? Do you ever feel like your hard work is eaten by worms like the scripture above suggests?

Sometimes… even too often, I default into that mindset. After all, for the past eleven years I have accumulated no savings that has lasted. Not a big issue unless you consider my daughter is getting married in less than a year, and I would like to participate financially in her wedding. Or even beyond that there are plenty of fun things I would like to have or do. On my “Hopes and Dreams” list I have 10 places I would like to take my wife to along with some needed items and other materialistic things like a gaited horse.

But as I look at what is not I get a text from my wife that a $260 check arrived for me. It comes once a quarter, and is a dividend from an old investment. (thanks Mom) I quickly replied, “I’m going to save that for my daughter’s wedding.” Wow, God is awesome I thought.

The next morning I go to take my son to school and my truck won’t start. It has a dead battery. And being Diesel it has two dead batteries, not just one. Would anyone like to guess how much those batteries costs? If you said $260.00 you are dead on.

“Why must the worm always eat the blessing?” I cried out to God. “When am I going to get ahead?”

To which the Holy Spirit whispers, “I gave you the money for the batteries ahead of time instead of after, are you going to complain about that?”

There were no worms eating the blessing. There really was only God’s provision again, supplying a need. When will my stinking thinking change?

Maybe tomorrow… (to be continued)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tree Falling in the Woods

Matthew 6:28…32 “And why are you worried... Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin… for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.”

There is a saying that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? I say that if you have a problem and no one is there to see it, is there really a problem at all?

It hit me while driving in Houston traffic surrounded by literally hundreds of thousands of cars that I do not know a single problem of another individual driver. In fact, from my point of view, not a single driver has a single issue in their life other than they are in my way. So does it mean that because I can’t see their problem that one does not exists?

Then the other day I was inconvenienced by a funeral processions. I am sure that there were many grieving people in those cars with their headlights on, but I felt no grief at all. To me there was no loss, and therefore was there a loss at all?

When my brother-in-law died unexpectedly a year ago, my sister and our family hurt deeply, but my friends who did not know him felt no pain at all, so was my pain real?

When my business collapsed and there were both friends and family capable of stopping it, but they did nothing at all, was there even a collapse in the first place?

What fear these personal events brought to my mind. What would my sister do? How can I help raise her three kids? What would I do for a living? Would I be homeless? Will my children go hungry? All the worries of the problems… but wait, did they exist?

Mark Twain wrote, “I had a lot of problems, most of which never came to pass.”

My sister, my nephews, and my niece are more than surviving… they are thriving so was there ever really a problem to worry about. I have never been homeless, and based on my waist line never hungry either, so was there ever a problem with my business collapsing? Better yet, did it even collapse, or was God just opening a new chapter?

I have no idea what this thought process says about someone else’s problems, but what it says to me is that my problems truly do not exists outside the imagination of my mind. So many worries of yesterday, and yet today those worries are no more, only replaced by some self-consuming new fabrications.

Will I make my mortgage payment? I laugh realizing a hundred and twenty have already been made. Will I get a vacation? Will I be able to pay for my daughter’s wedding? Is all this worry killing me? Why is life so painful?

I am in the middle of what seems like the most beautiful discover of my life, and of kingdom vision and truth. The pain, the worry, the stress are all lies fabricated in my mind. God is in control.

Look at the cars on the freeway. We perceive no problems in the others because there really are no problems in the others. God is in control. Now imagine you are one of the others and you are looking at yourself. Do you now perceive a problem with yourself? You should not… because the problem does not exist. It does not exists because God is in control… working all things for good for those who love Him.

And then I read this from my friend Jim Spivey as the Holy Spirit confirms what He is doing in me. “There are a lot of very unsatisfied people running around pushing and grabbing at or avoiding each other, frantically searching for more or better circumstances.  They are completely identified with and by their pain, looking for some relief at any cost… “getting” won’t “solve the problem,” because… it’s all “inside us,” both our problem (us) and His Solution (being excavated)…   The Answer in Real Life, is in the relationship between the Father and Son.”

Today, if only for this moment I am pain and problem free. Father grant me the grace to live every moment in this truth in the name of Your Son Jesus.

I believe this is the perception of Christ. I believe this is where He was when He went to the cross. Focused on the joy of the truth, and not the illusion of pain.

Please watch this powerful video of God’s word being proven true again.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Thorn

2 Corinthians 12:7, “Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself!”

My step daughter was telling me about the bible study she is participating in, and said they were discussing the “dude that got beat up all the time.” (Apostle Paul) I asked if they discussed that as a member of the Sanhedrin he would have been required to be married.

She said, “No, but they did ask us to describe what we thought the ‘thorn might represent.’”

Jokingly I said it was probably his wife since she is never mentioned in the bible. But reality is that thorn is for us all the pinch to wake us up. Or should I say the pinch to wake our spirits up to the temporary and contaminated nature of life on earth. For Paul the thorn was there to keep him humble, to keep life and his role as a preeminent apostle in perspective. It was there so that he would not fall into the trap of not only reading but believing his own press clippings.

The earth, and therefore life, is contaminated by sin, and we remain in this literal spiritual cesspool to not only come to know God, but to be beacons of light for the other souls that join us in this thing call living. However, life has plenty of temporary pleasure to not only engage in, but to be distracted by, and to be drawn too. Given enough pleasure we all have an ego capable laying claim to it, and not just enjoying and pursuing more, but attributing the accumulation of pleasure to one’s own activities or worthiness. Like the American lie of because I am smart, I am rich.

And so God, by His grace allows us to feel the truth of life. That it is temporary and thorny maze. He allows us to remain in the thorny mire, so that as I said earlier we can be a beacon to the coming souls just as some other soul was a beacon for us.

Think about it. God loves His creation call mankind. With each human birth a spiritual birth of a soul is created as well. Earth for lack of a better description is a soul factory. We are here to recognize our soul, and to connect to God in spirit; then to live that connection. In living that connection we become the city on the hill, we become the lamp that is not covered.

Lest we forget that this is our purpose… to love God, then to love others as He has loved us, God has appropriated to everyone a thorn or thorns to keep them from being lulled to spiritual sleep by wealth, health, or fame. Though many exalt themselves to the highest of pedestals, I have yet to see anyone that has remain there.

This is the grace of God. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Cross is Not the End Game

Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM ENDURED THE CROSS, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

We call so many things painful. Our worries and fears are painful. Someone else’s unmet need seems painful to us. Rejection, ridicule conjure up images of emotional hurt. Financial insecurity seems as painful as the hunger it can lead to. But is this really pain when compared to the physical pain of being scourged, and left to suffocate on a cross having been nailed there through His hand and feet… is any of the other really pain?

In our selfish little existence it is pain. Our pains are not having insurance, or money for a cable bill or being able to get along with our spouse or co-worker because we are too hell bent on being right v. being at peace with one another. And yet these pains are real to the beholder. They are so many times the nails being driven into our spiritual hands. The PAIN is so many times the sharing of the cross of Christ because that cross represents a place of passing from world to spirit. It represents a place of rejecting everything man made for everything God made. It is part of being transferred into the kingdom of God’s Son as Paul wrote, but the cross is NOT the end.

I, like all of you, can be tormented by uncomfortable circumstances. And yet, as my friend Aaron told me, somehow God’s glory is at the hour and pain of the cross. This is very different from the pain and consequence of sin. The pain of the cross is when you are “trying” with all your heart to live for God, and things “still don’t go right.” When in fact they are going perfectly, stripping you of the “junk” your soul has accumulated to that point in life.  But again I reiterate this pain, this cross, this lot in life is not the end, it is not the point. It is a place that like Christ we endure even though we despise it. And we endure because in faith we learn it is also the hour of glory. It is the hour of intimacy with the Father as we are invited to His throne.

Jesus did not come to teach us to suffer. Jesus came to give us life, to see deep into the kingdom in spite of the suffering.

I think T. Austin Sparks was experiencing this when he wrote, “…it represents a good deal of breaking and smashing up of our previous ideas.  It does represent a terrific stripping off of a system in which we have grown up, in which we have been trained; but when the Lord has done it thoroughly, it is marvelous.  You look back and can only say: ‘There was a time when that, and that, and that was everything to me; it was my system, my program, my line of things, my very life, the presentation of myself to the world.  I did not see anything beyond that.’  But the Lord has done that great emancipating thing, and you laugh at your utter folly that ever such things should have been of any account at all.”

What a great word TAS chose… emancipating. This is the cross… the emancipating pain of obedience to God in a lost and dying world. Oh to be emancipated from the world by the cross, because to be free of the world is to be joined with God.

God set the joy Christ had before us all. Give us His vision, His understanding, His character in Jesus name. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

God of Just Enough & Just In Time

Exodus 3:14, “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’; and He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

Exodus 16:4, “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion (just enough) every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction.’”

Luke 9:58, “And Jesus said to him, ‘The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.’”

I am fully aware there are large blocks of Christians that believe God is a God of prosperity, and that if a person is not materially prosperous then their relationship to Him is somehow contaminated, most likely with sin. But I will assure you that this is not the case, nor even remotely judge-able.

Not every command of Christ is to cast the nets on the other side of the boat, and not all results of God’s command are an overabundance. In fact all too often God is a God of just enough and just in time. I find no better example than the Israelites having to be dependent upon God for their daily bread. A dependence that lasted a full forty years. Christ on more than one occasion was without shelter, or food, or money. And yet each time God provided just in time.

I know several people who live wholly dependent upon God’s provision. Actually that is a completely watered down statement. So let me try again.

I know three people who live 100% dependent on God’s next financial miracle. They obey without consideration of where resource are coming from, and having watched them from a distance I can truly say that God has ALWAYS provided just enough, and all too often it comes just in time.

And so I find myself not in financial straits, but temporarily absent any cash, and with a bare cupboard. It is ten days until another payday, and I truly have $5 for lunch until then. I think of what my friend Jim would do, and it is to publicly cry out to the Lord. For Aaron, he has said that God has had him thank Him for the past provision, and then the current provision appeared. For Russell… I don’t know that he asks or thanks, but more seems to have some certainty that the manna will appear in the morning. For me, this is what I am doing…

“Father, give me this day my daily bread. And yes I know that I could stand to skip a few meals, but Father I asks that I might know your love. I am not asking to “test” You per se even though I know you test our love, but just to experience it again… to know that You are for me.”

I prayed this three days ago. On the first day my dad called and asked if like him to take me to lunch. On the second day a fellow employee asked if I wanted to go to lunch. I said it will have to be cheap because I only have $5. He said, “no my treat, I just want to do something nice for you…” Today is day three… (to be cont’d)

And please understand that this is not a tale from a poor beggar too broke or too irresponsible, but that it is a disciple constantly amazed by his God, that He loves him enough to be so involved in his life. Thankful that He tests him in his obedience to His instruction.