Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Matthew 6:25-34, "Do not be worried... (don't be) worried... why are you worried?... do not worry... But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself..."

Five time Jesus says, "don't worry." And yet I am filled with anxiety. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about the fact that today I do not have enough for tomorrow? Why can't I see that yesterday I did not have enough for today, and yet today is miraculously taken care of?

Over and over this scripture plays in my mind. I worry and the Holy Spirit answers with, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness." And so I do. After all it was the kingdom of God that Jesus came preaching, and it is the gospel of the kingdom of God that will be being preached when He returns. In fact Jesus says preaching the kingdom of God was His very purpose. (Luke 4:43)

So as I have this time of forcing myself to ignore the anxiety and the lies creating it, I throw myself into seeking God's kingdom, and seeking holiness on the level of Christ. And amazingly I am discovering so many things about the message, and about the kingdom that I never knew.

Perhaps I will share some of the revelation in future post. Until then, if you are full of anxiety like me, focus on the kingdom of God, seek the meaning of the message and watch the anxiety disappear.

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