Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day 2011

Galatians 4:11, "I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain."

I woke up this morning fully intending to write a post about labor, and tie it cleverly into God's word. And after have several different ideas, none seemed to be what God was wanting. So my next move was to have no post at all. After all, surely one day there will be nothing to say, and perhaps today is that day.

Content with no post, I decided to go back to the beginning of this labor of love, and see what Propel has been about. Has it been a labor in vain? The thought hit me that it is all in vain if the person I am does not become a clearer reflection of Christ. Why would anyone care that these words have been immortalized on the internet if I, the author, has not grow closer to and more like Christ.

So as I read back through the many posts, I am suddenly unconcerned about their effects on the reader. I realize this labor is not about someone else. This labor is about me. It is in so many ways a diary of my walk with Christ. It is God's labor with me.

I am amazed to see where I have come from is such a short period of time. From confusion, chaos, concern, to the peace of a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light. A transformation, still incomplete, but one that has brought me from judgmental to loving. So many lessons, so much change. Wow! I love you Jesus. Thank you for your labor, thank you for working on me.

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