Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Piggy Pearls

Matthew 7:6, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample the under foot, and turn and tear you to pieces."

This scripture has stuck with me for 2 days. I say stuck, because for me the traditional interpretation does not fit its location. Traditional interpretation says to not offer doctrine to violent or abusive people because they might curse you or bring you harm. But that just doesn't seem like the Jesus I know. It also only loosely fits to the passage contextually.

The verse sits like a lonely piece of sandwich meat in the middle of the bread and condiments. Preceding it is exhortation to not worry, and then not to judge others. So is Jesus saying don't worry about things, but worry about people? Is He saying, don't judge people, but somehow identify dogs and swine without judgement?

Immediately following the verse is the Golden Rule, where we are commanded in verse 12 to "treat people the same way you want them to treat you." For me I certainly don't want someone to treat me like a dog or swine and withhold anything good from God.

So what is Jesus telling us in this veiled message?

I believe that He is telling us how to minister. He is saying don't worry and don't judge. But when you encounter those clearly not following God in your path then never just throw scripture, doctrine, or belief out there. Don't just give a pack of dogs a bone. On  the contrary how would we deal with dogs? We make them behave before feeding them. Perhaps they sit (pay attention) or beg (ask for) what it is we have. Swine too specific ways to be dealt with. They too can be unruly if you just haphazardly cast food, or anything for that matter, in thier direction.

I think what Jesus is saying here is remember what you are dealing with. Spreading the love of Christ is not some haphazard casting of doctrine about. It is getting in, inner acting with, and being an example to the dogs and the swine. They can't handle the heavenly food just thrown into the pen. They will tear it up and you along with it. Instead, build the report, take the time, with patience and long suffering even the dogs and swine will see the example of being treated as we want to be treated. They will not see the judgmental eye. But instead by first seeing and example of Christ in us, followed by the treatment, will be feed without the chaos.

It is funny, but perhaps the illustration is the best interpretation of all. Don't cast pearls before swine, because a pig does not know what to do with pearls. Instead be wise like a serpent and innocent as a dove.

Don't worry, don't judge, don't preach, just treat them like you want to be treated. That is Matthew 7.

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