Thursday, September 22, 2011

Living Water

River of Life by Martha Mitchell
John 7:38, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"

This morning as I started on my outside sales 120+ mile trek from Hempstead, Texas to Spring, Texas I could only think about one thing. That thought was I was going to miss Tomball Love machine today. Something I have only done twice since being invited. I love it so much for the ministry and the opportunity to minister. It is truly a group that allows Christ to move through them, and the orchestration the Holy Spirit accomplishes is phenomenal.

So in this missing of something I really enjoy, and in praying for some kind of godly order to the day the Holy Spirit spoke 2 words to me. He said, "just flow." In other words, just relax and let Him order the day.

I did my best to "flow." To not complain about the task of the day, to go from appointment to appointment expecting something from God... either given or received. I really thought it would be a big day in sales. But as my first couple of appointments were no sales I once again began to think I was wasting my time. That perhaps I missed God, and should have gone to Love Machine.

It was then I recieved a text from my mother regarding an encounter a friend of hers had with Lilly. (If you don't know who Lilly is just look to your right on the screen and click on her story.) The text was a conversation Holly (my mom's friend) and Lilly had. At the bottom it said, call me.

So I did, and with much excitement my mom relayed the story that Holly had told her. It seems that Lilly has been on Holly's heart. That though she is without financial means, she has been praying for Lilly on a regular basis. And for whatever reason she has carried Lilly's phone number around, but never called.

So today as Holly sat at the Social Security office waiting for her name to be called, the Holy Spirit said, "Call Lilly." I am so tickle by the tale of Holly arguing slightly with the Holy Spirit knowing that being on the phone may delay her visit the bureaucrats if she misses her name being called. But in short order she obeyed.

She reached Lilly who was crying over the sink while doing dishes. Her call came through in the nearly exact moment that Lilly questioned if God knew she was even alive. This was the resulting text exchange.

Holly -- "Lilly... your response to my call made me smile today. I know we don't know each other but yet I sense that we do. :) We are sisters. Our heavenly Father is the same. I like that. When I think of you washing those dishes and crying... and Him telling me it's time to call you with His message of hope... it make me cry too! I love Jesus! He is so cool! You hang in there sweet Lilly. God is gonna blow your socks off! Have a great night. :)

Lilly -- "Thank you! Yes, GOD is awesome and I also feel that we are sisters in Him. You are so sweet."

Immediately after hanging up with Lilly, Holly's name was called at the Social Security office.

Holly and Lilly are in that flow of living water. They are flowing in the river of life washing down from heaven. I pray that you all see how this works, that together as we flow with Christ we operate as a body. Distance, denomination, gender, socio-economic barriers, nothing can hinder God if we will just flow with Him.

More to come on Lilly tomorrow, but in the meantime if God has told you to do anything for her, just obey and watch God blow you away.

God bless Holly, God bless Lilly, and God bless you... What a perfect act of God's own Love Machine coming to my day.

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