Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kingdom Vision

Proverbs 28:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."

This scripture meant to me that in order to achieve success in anything, include spiritual task there must be a vision. There must be some leader to see the vision, formulate the strategic plan, and cast that vision before the troops, workers, parishioners, whatever group is to be lead to fulfill the vision. Even when I began this simple blog, I saw past the significance of the obedience and began to add my own desires to it. I began to create a strategic plan for it's growth. I thought of "formulas" to keep it fresh. I took a simple act of obedience, and turned it strategically into a ministry. Perhaps not even that. Initially I was going to make this a "Christian" business of sorts. I thought it would lead to full-time ministry, and an income. Problem is that was not God's intent to this point.

So it makes you think... Did I miss God's vision? Am I not seeing His purpose clearly? If my heart is saying full-time ministry, then where is the ministry?

What I should have been asking is what is God's vision? What is it that we loose sight of leading to death?

The prophets of the old testament had plenty of vision. They articulated this vision in a multitude of prophecies. And yet, this vision when looked at collectively is all a prophetic word about Jesus. Everything in the old testament points to Christ. Jesus sited the prophets and their prophecies numerous times when referring to Himself. He was their vision.

Yet there is more to this concept of vision. Vision not only encompasses the person of Jesus Christ, it has a mission implied with it as well. We know the opportunity to see begins at salvation. Jesus said in John 3:3, "...Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."

This is the vision that keeps us from death, from a spirit in perish. To see Christ, high and lifted up, in His kingdom. In seeing Christ where He is, we can also begin to see His kingdom is inside of us. And if His kingdom is inside of us, then Christ has an action for that specific local. Regardless of where we stand in this dynamic kingdom of God, Christ has a task of being Him. As we grow in knowing Jesus, we begin to be a better, brighter reflection of Him wherever we are. We carry inside of us the kingdom of God. Sometimes that kingdom is surrounded by the kingdom of Satan, and other times that same piece is surrounded by more of the kingdom of God, but regardless see that is critical to being a reflection of Him. Seeing His kingdom, seeing His action is what is true spiritual success.

I will go on to say further that wherever we are, we are with Christ in His kingdom if we are born again. That is our spiritual local, and we can see that if we will ask for that vision. On the job, in church, at home, at play... there is an ever present opportunity to be a reflection of Christ. We do not need to work in a building with a cross on it to do this. We do not need to wear a white collar on a black shirt to have this vision.

May God open our eyes to see the kingdom, and to see Christ in His proper place.... Head of the body, directing us in unity. Seeing how the parts fit together. Seeing His vision for His kingdom.

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