Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jim Spivey's Love Machine

2 Corinthians 4:1-2 "Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."

Same passage from The Message. "Since God has so generously let us in on what He is doing, we're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into the occasional hard times. (Or uncomfortable situations) We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don't maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don't twist God's Word to suit ourselves. Rather we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves the presence of God."

I hope that everyone who reads this blog and participates in any of the thirteen Love Machines sees the implication of this scripture, and it applicability to our groups. Because in love there is nothing hidden, there are no crafty games of one up men ship. But there is a commitment to the truth and allowing that truth to be exposed to every member's conscience in the sight of God. This to me is what Jim Spivey's Love Machines are. But if that doesn't explain the experience enough then how about this.

Have you ever been to the zoo or an amusement park where you can insert two quarters and a penny into a machine; turn the handle, and smash the penny into a "souvenir" collector's piece? That's the kind of machine love machine is. Imagine God turning the handle. On some visits you are part of the machine's inner workings like the gears and dies. Most of the time, visiting Love Machine means being the penny dropped in for it's customary reshaping and commemoration.  And that is just what happened to me on my most recent visit.

Here cog met cog, one persons exhaustion triggers someone else s fear, which triggers a joke, which triggered a rebuke, which triggers an opening in relationship, You see, I made the joke, and was the recipient of the rebuke, and a part of the opening of relationship. It turns out the rebuke was not about the joke at all, but about an offense I caused weeks before. But talking about it allowed the animosity to subside, for forgiveness to enter and love to rule. But in it all it triggered in me something I have not been conscious of for some time.

To be personal about it, because that is what I do... that is shameless surrender to me... I have an issue with women in authority. (except for my beautiful wife and soul-mate) And for that matter, I have an issue with women taking offense at me. I have never set out to offend anyone, and it is so often that I say the wrong thing that gets me into trouble. Some would say between my brain and my mouth there is no pause button. But in the past those offenses have cost me ministries I love, a job I needed. Offending females costs me a marriage or two, and so much more.

So here I was a happy cog, spinning away watching others be flattened by the Holy Spirit into something unique and beautiful, when suddenly I found myself the penny. Crushed by the realization of so many people I had not forgiven. Un-forgiveness that unconsciously manifest in so many defensive and judgmental ways. And so, as this transformed penny comes out of the crushing cogs of love, I find myself forgiving anew many of the opposite gender that have offended me with their offense. I find myself forgiving some for the first time, even though I know I said I never would.

That said, I have no intention of worrying about not offending anyone. I will continue to love, and if someone takes offense to it, then what I promise is to not get offended at their offense, and to not harbor un-forgiveness for anyone.

This is not what I intended to write in today's post. But this is what has come out as I sit at the keyboard. So I will trust the Holy Spirit, His anointing, and His judgment and obediently post this with the eternal hope that it will influence someone to experience Christ on a deeper level today.

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