Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's all part of shining.

Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

How can men see your good works, if they don't see the struggle to get there? How effective is the story of the Red Sea parting without knowing the fear of the participants?

As I continue in my own personal epic financial battle I have no qualms about asking God, what's the deal? Why does this continue? If You are so able, why do you appear so unwilling? And just yesterday it  hit me. Our struggles, which are nothing more than God's opportunities, are not there only for us to grow in character. They are there to be a light of what God is doing to all those around us. Struggles are there so that husbands, wives, children, parents, friends, co-workers, and more can see a person obey and stand in faith until God is visible to them all. 

I have often said we are here to be a reflection of Christ. Christ is the light of the world. As our light shines, it is merely a reflection of The Light. As a result we are not here to be a reflection of Christ so that we can look in a mirror and marvel at seeing Him in us. On the contrary, we see the relationship with Him. We see Him in the spirit face to face, everyone else sees that reflection. And in that reflection it is not only ok to see the emotional struggle, but it is necessary. Think of Jesus in the garden before His crucifixion. He was afraid. In Matthew 26:39 Jesus prayed, "if possible, let this cup pass from Me..." He was stressed to the point of sweating blood. And that's ok. Obeying God by necessity will bring you to a place of extreme stress. It will bring you to the very end of your faith. It is designed to expand you. It is designed to bring into the relationship with God something you have never seen before. And it is designed so that others can be a witness to it all.

Think about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. They were thrown into the furnace for the ages to be a witness to the power of God. Same for Daniel in the lion's den, Jonah and the whale, Job and Satan... time and time again there is trial, and God picked people to be an example to the rest of us. Like Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. All a message to the generations to come.

Is my struggle biblical in proportions? Hardly. But my struggles, and the subsequent leaning on God, placing the light on a hill, not covering it up is God's word becoming reality to those close to me. I don't want to be their example. I don't want to write of the struggles. But this is the current state of my obedience to Him, and so here I am. Where are you in the mix?

I talked to Lilly yesterday. She is the single mother, unemployed and without transportation. God has now supplied her with a 2 bedroom house free of charge until Nov 1. (My Birthday) We are still praying for a job and some transportation, knowing God has it already on the way.

I heard the story yesterday of a pedophile, as told by a daughter. An evil beyond measure. And yet this tradgedy needed to be brought to the light. The light heals. The truth sets you free. And the truth is... IT'S NOT HER FAULT!.

I encouraged a couple without a home. It's ok to hurt. It's ok to be frustrated with the lack of support. It's ok to be obedient to God to the point of homelessness. It's ok to run 180 degrees contrary to the world so that they can minister in obedience.

If we don't know the struggles, then doesn't it make light of God miraculous solutions when they come.

No one is immune. Take my pastor and his wife. Pastors of one of the fastest growing churches in America. Born into two of the finest families in this nation. Giving, loving, caring people who truly want to serve God. At yet Laura (pastor's wife) was diagnosed with Colo-rectal cancer. But God...

Her struggle to get to the point of God's healing is beautiful. Yes God healed her, but the ups and downs, the roller coaster of emotions, the prayers of "let this cup pass" are what makes it all so special. And even more, it is a light to the world. A real life, real time example of the possibilities of relationship with God. All found at

How will you shine today?

"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death." (Rev 12:11)

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