Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Expectations v. Expectancy

A good friend of mine named Russell pointed this out to me not long ago. He said there is a big difference between Expectancy and Expectations. He explained that expectations are of our own concoction whereas  Expectancy is a state of being. Like being constantly in a state of expectancy that God is going to be involved, even if that involvement is apparently nothing.

Think about it, if we are in proper position with God then our expectations should not only be zero, the whole concept should be a vacuum of thought. It's a vacuum of expectations that allowed Christ to walk on water while others rowed a boat. He came to a shore knowing God wanted Him on the other side with no expectations of how He would get there, but the Expectancy that God would work it out. He had the expectancy that nothing would deter His obedience. See the difference?

Expectations cause disappointment. They box God in if you will. Realty is He cannot be boxed in, but there existence is a man's attempt to usurp His authority and dictate an outcome. Expectancy on the other hand is an awareness. It is faith manifest, and that the looking for God's unique expression in the moment. That is so good I am going to repeat it.

Expectancy is faith awareness manifested in the looking for God's unique expression in the moment.

Let me give you an example. I have felt compelled to buy gold in my measly IRA. Not trusting a compulsion I did the research and determined it was a good idea. I made some money and then felt compelled to sell and buy silver. The price at the time was around $16/ounce. Then sometime later, for no reason at all I felt compelled to sell the silver again. This time the research said it was a dumb idea. But I sold it around $50/ounce. Just the point where silver collapsed. This compulsion was God. My expectations because of my research was to make money. Then God's will conflicted with that expectation. He was saying sell, my expectation was Silver would go higher. Obedience and expectancy made me sell. Which do you think was right? Expectation or Expectancy.

As another example, I went to a meeting the other day expecting for someone to do something for me. When I left I had gotten the opportunity to comfort a man raped by his brother years ago. Why, because in spite of my own expectation I had an expectancy that God had a purpose for the meeting. I knew that if I would go to that meeting with an attitude of love then God would do something. Fortunately for me the expectancy won, because getting to comfort that man was far better than going and just getting something for myself. With expectancy we all got something that day.

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