Friday, May 27, 2011


Ephesians 3:20, "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,"

Have you ever thought about what YOUR perfect world would be? As I navigate this life transition I certainly spend time imagining what the destination looks like. I think that if I could paint the picture of the future for me in my "public" life it would look something like this.

I would have opportunities to preach in others' churches and venues to masses of people. Sharing the truth as it relates to Kingdom of God. Sharing a message of relationship extraordinaire and of unity, all the while watching God heal the incurable. I think that I would also have time to be a sounding board for men and women in church leadership. A confidential, non-judgmental ear and expression of love to them. Somewhat of a medic on the battlefield of Christ so to speak. A place for them to be real and open. There is great freedom in openness, and to me there is no worse place or less opportunity for openness than a preacher or politician. But I understand the humanity and their call to divinity of the preacher/minister. Politicians... not so much. I would also have the opportunity to minister one on one to people. Helping them through the results of their abusers. I would discover something new everyday about God and write about it as I have the past couple of weeks. In that same vein, the books that I have written, and will write, would be published. It would be perfect to occasionally eating something I have never tasted. (Unlovable was such an experience. It's like when you are a child and your parent makes you take at least a bite before deciding if you don't like it.) Lastly, in my perfect world I would receive crazy financial, emotional, and spiritual compensation in doing all of this.

If fact, this is not my imagination of my perfect world. This is my request of God. I am asking the Father for all of this in Jesus name. Having full faith that what He will bring is something way beyond this imagination.

Here is your part. If you read this and said to yourself... I need that, or I know someone who does then pass on my contact info and let's get this adventure started. I can be reached at

[The painting attached is Utopia by Jolie. I used it b/c to me it says utopia has a different definition for everyone. It also says that my definition of Utopia is not a single landscape. I also see that the items are already here, surrounding us. So to find Utopia I just need to perceive it in my current environment.  Let it inspire you do visualize the utopia God has for you.]

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