Sunday, May 22, 2011


John 17:21, "that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us."

Last night I went to dinner with my folks, and afterwards my Dad stopped to buy a Powerball ticket. Returning to the car he handed me one. As I was taking it I said, "I won't win." Immediately my folks in unison said, "don't confess that." As if me saying I'm not going to win is going to stop a blessing from God. Now don't get me wrong. My parents are loving, God fearing, giving, caring, awesome people. But even as some of this blog biggest fans and supports they don't yet get it.

I am in the middle of discovering God as my Provider and more so my Provision. If I have nothing else at all, God as my Provision is enough. He is my food. He is my shelter. In the process of living by faith in this reality there are aspect of me that must die in order to fully embrace this spiritual reality and truth. To win the lottery last night would not only rescue my flesh. (man I hate that term. It is so much Christianeze) To win the lottery would violate the very core of the principle God is allowing to die inside of me. Namely trust in money over Him. Not only that, but it would bring a terrible end to this wonderful experience.

Don't get me wrong. This expression of faith is not some kind of self destructiveness or self loathing. It is just that what I have experienced with God has been worth so much more than the $62 million jackpot. I would rather find the one gold coin in the fishes mouth that solves my immediate need than be presented with the opportunity to never have to worry about finances - in my present condition that is..

Let me be very clear. I do not have a problem with people having huge sums of money. I just have a problem with a huge sum of money falling out of the sky on me right now. If I fully trusted God as my Provision then money would not be an issue, and then a huge sum falling out of the sky could go to His purpose, and then truly be a blessing to accomplish His will.

Another thing that scars me about the lottery is this. It does not matter who you are, but the lesson I am in is at work in everyone. The lesson is loving and trusting God far above everything else. The lesson may come in the form of money. It may come in the form of health issues. It may come in the form of family relationships. But either way it is coming to those who profess a love in Him. The point is I would rather that God reveal Himself in a lack of money than the other options. Frankly, this is the easiest of the 3 paths in my opinion.

Oswald Chambers says it this way, "God will not leave us alone until we are one with Him, because Jesus has prayed that we may be." This is the glorious truth of the hardship, the suffering. It is all a necessary process to achieve the oneness with God. This realization is worth far far more than a measly $62 million in lotto winnings. This is the prize of graduating from this lesson. Not money, but oneness with God. Or at the very least being closer to that oneness.

1 comment:

  1. I love the quote from Oswald Chambers! It was good to see you yesterday, and to see the smile on your face, and the joy shining out from you!
    Have a great week!
