Friday, May 27, 2011

Mrs. Unlovable

Matthew 25: 35-36, "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me."  (I needed a ride and you gave Me a lift)

God has such the sense of humor.

Pam, a friend for 20 years calls me excited about the blog, excited what God is doing in my life, excited about God, just plain excited. And in this excitement she gives me some very loving advice. She says, to not use people's names, or at least put a disclaimer that they have been changed. And that kind of makes sense in the context of the post called "Utopia." There is an implied clergy relationship, and an expectation of confidentiality when you meet someone for that purpose. Accept for the fact that I only use first names, and only the parties involved would truly know who I am talking about. But I was laughing... I told her I would have put Greg's picture up had I taken one.

So after a lengthy conversation, I got off the phone, did some stuff and "Utopia" came to me. I wrote it, and went about my business.

I tried to see a builder about some mortgage referrals. I went to the feed store for some rabbit food and supplies. Stopped in a convenient store for something to drink, and walking out a woman asks me if I'm going the direction she was pointing. I had to ask why? She said that she needed a ride? I asked, where to? - - I was trying to ask enough questions to get out of it. But the fact was, I was going that direction. Dog gone it, I thought... Here goes God again.

As she got in my truck the only thing I could think was, I hope that she does not stink or have lice. Thank God she didn't, but what is my deal with odors? As she got in I thought, why did I pray to occasionally eat something new? Couldn't God have answered the other items on the list before getting to that one? Regardless, I was going to make the best of it.

Her name is Kimberly and I'm sorry Pam, but that's important. It's important because this is a woman that even a mother could not love... literally. She freely told me her story on our 20 min drive. She is 49 years old, mother of 3, and homeless. Her parents kicked her our of their house, and she survives on SSI for disability. Her disability is supposedly an intestinal disorder, but it doesn't take too long to figure out what it really is... if you know what I mean. Her journey that day was prompted because she could not reach her parents by phone, and even though they kicked her out of the house she was concerned for their well being. She has a college age daughter at Sam Houston on scholarship. Kimberly had tried to call her as well, but couldn't reach her. It was pretty much a non-stop spilling of her life.

I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone really listened to her. It only took one word to get her going again at every pause. That word was, why? And yet in it all there was an expressed faith in God. That was the amazing part. No real animosity except for her mother.

She wanted to stop at Chicken Express. I asked why? And she said to get out of the heat and use their WiFi while she waited to reach her parents. I told her I would take her all the way to her parents, and if they weren't there bring her back to Chicken Express or any other place she wanted to go.  Marvelous idea that even the challenged could understand. I don't know what a homeless person needs WiFi for. Guess I should have asked that too.

Arriving at her parents she surprisingly said, my daughter is here! You can leave me here, I will get a ride for sure. I asked to take her picture and she gladly posed.

Now I'm here, telling the world. Kimberly matters. She matters so much to God that He sent me to give her a ride. Even when her own family ignores her calls, He hears her prayers. I am thankful that He used me for such a humbling task. And why shouldn't I share her name and photo. The world is trying its best to forget her. But now, at least for a moment, they can't.

As she left she said if someone won't give her a ride from there that she would walk. I said, "Don't do that. Just ask God to send you another ride. He sent me, and He will send you someone else if you need it because He loves you." She smiled... I smiled.

BTW... the Pam in this story is Pam Smith (Name changed to protect the innocent)

Seriously though... if I were meeting with anyone in a coaching/advisory capacity, they can be assured that they personally would not be fodder for this blog. I only use names when I know that it's ok.  :-)

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