Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tale of Two Sons

Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32 v. Christ - Luke 3:41-52

Yesterday I helped my oldest daughter move into her apartment in Dallas. After graduating from college she has spent the last 11 months living at home. And a glorious 11 months it's been. She is such an early bird it has been nice waking up to coffee made, and to the occasional gourmet breakfast or meal.  It was even nicer having her so close, it makes a Father feel his arms of protection are within reach. But after hours of driving, sweat and strains lifting furniture, the final hug and kiss goodbye was bitter sweet. 

It was this conflict of emotions that caused me to ponder. What is the scriptural basis for a child leaving home? Who in God's word has shared my experience? Thus the tale of two sons, as it relates to my daughter.

The disappointment led me to think, what child in the Bible demonstrates such sadness to the parent in their departure. Immediately I thought about the prodigal son. A young man who demanded his inheritance only to squander it away. That surely broke his father's heart, but in no way is it representative of my daughter. 

Then suddenly I was reminded of Jesus being left behind in Jerusalem. When His parents find him He says, didn't you know I would be about My Father's business. Specifically He says, "Why is it you are looking for Me? Did you not know I had to be in My Father's house?"

There was my reference. Even though Jesus was doing what God wanted him to, Mary and Joseph did not understand. They were filled with anxiety, So too is my daughter about God's business. So I am forced to lay down the anxiety and desire to control. Picking up trust and faith in God that His plan for her life is better than anything I could hope or dream. 

Oh the end of being her Dad will only come at my death. There will always be a safety net here. Always a warm bed, hot meal, a listening ear, and loving instruction. But I celebrate with her this journey of faith and discovery of Gods will for her life. I celebrate, support, and cherish this most precious of moments. I have great expectancy of what God will do working in and through her life.

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