Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Insanity of Sanity

Galatians 2:20. "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God..."

Crucified with Christ... what the heck is Paul talking about? Many preachers have taught the concept of dying to self using this and other scriptures. But again, what are they talking about? It is counter intuitive to think that God is a masochist wanting us to commit some kind of spiritual suicide. Didn't God make me this way? So I am now somehow supposed to take the way God make me, kill it, and let a resurrected life emerge?

The answer in a nutshell... yes everything that is not of God must die, but God is not a masochist. Quite the opposite.

But dieing to self is not this horrible thing. Yes the cross for any human was a horrific, painful experience. But going to the cross for Christ was not about what happened on the cross itself. It is about what happened before, and after. Before He laid down all self concern. Praying He asked God to let the cup pass, let things be different so that He would not have to go to the cross. Sweating blood, He stressed over the death, literally, of His flesh. But once He submitted to the will of God, once He made the faith decision to go ahead and allow Himself to be killed, then the cross was just the door way to the resurrection. The resurrection is what is the awesome, glorious part. You see Paul was saying that his flesh was crucified too because of Christ and His kingdom. But CHRIST LIVES IN ME! He goes further to say that I not living by the world system but something completely contrary. He proclaims, I LIVE BY FAITH.

Me on the other hand I live by my education, my social upbringing, influence of friends and family, trust in money, and trust in government, rules and procedures. But to live by faith... not me... not until now. Oh sure I was saved years ago by faith. But to LIVE BY FAITH, that is a whole other animal. It takes the flesh dying to accomplish. It takes laying down all preconceptions, all influences and depending 100% on God. It is the insanity of sanity. It is the wisdom of God being foolishness to the world.

So this evolution began. It began just like Jesus said it would in Matt 13:33. This kingdom of God was planted in me in the smallest of measures, and with time it takes over every ounce of my being. It grows inside me, displacing flesh, displacing my thoughts and practices. This displacement... this removal if you will is a painful, dying process. But once you experience the resurrection on the other side you begin to look for the pain. The pain that will lead to the next resurrection, the next replacement of self with Christ, with His kingdom.

The flesh screams I need money... the spirit screams God is your Provision... war, death, destruction within the very character of man. Leaven grows in the flour. Society chimes in... yes you need money. Education chimes in... work harder and you will have more money. But God does not stop. He will never stop. Days, weeks, months, years, they mean nothing to Him. Only that He finally breakthrough, the kingdom of God wins, the death results in resurrection and Provision is understood.

Where is your pain, your anxiety, fear, longing, hurt? Here you will find where God is trying to replace that part of you with a little part of Him. Embrace this death because on the back side is a resurrection that is incredible. For the joy set before Him Christ endured the cross.Be like Christ, embrace the pain, allow that flawed character trait to die, and rejoice a resurrected trait of Christ has replaced it. Why? So that you and God can be a little closer to one another.

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