Wednesday, November 23, 2011

21 Thanksgivings Ago

Proverbs 31:29, "Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."

This scripture makes me think of both my daughters. Each has done well. But today I just want to celebrate Katherine as 21 years ago she was born on a Thanksgiving Day.

She gave us quite a fright being six weeks early. She gave us hell with her OCD childhood, and needing bows on her shoes to not only be the right size but to match perfectly. Who can forget her screams because the lines in her socks were bothering her. It was classic Katherine to be kicked out of ski school for her unmanageablity. I will never forget nearly wrecking my car when she informed me what kissing led to. She has tested patience as I felt like the schools computer had me on a daily call list to let me know she missed another class. But it has all worked out perfectly even in the midst of those occasional challenges.

Katherine, I am so proud of you. Proud that you actually listened to me when I said, "do as I say, not as I do." I'm proud of you for living life with no regrets. For seizing every opportunity that does not compromise your integrity with yourself or God. And I am so happy that you are celebrating 21 years of life albeit too far away and without me.

I love you! Have a Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. The story of the socks made me laugh out loud - that was our Sarah! Happy "Birth" day to you!
