Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mr. Unlovable No. 2

1 Corinthians 4:5 "Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God."

Mr Unlovable No. 1 is a fellow by the name of Greg. You can read the story here.

Basically Greg for me is a representation of everything I find disgusting. And yet in that disgust God used him to teach me something about myself and my relationship to the Father. To this day I still occasionally see Greg and gladly strike up conversation with him.

But there is a new Mr. Unlovable in my life. This one is in my work place. The dynamics of the offense are huge as the environment is something completely new for me. Forget that I have always been in charge wherever I have worked, and now I am merely a worker bee. The bigger shock is working in a cubicle. Now I know many are perfectly fine with working from a cubicle, but I have never not worked from an office in my 25 years in the workforce. So it's a pretty big change.

That said, this environment allows me to hear the conversations of my co-workers. Mr. Unlovable No. 2 sits just a few feet away, and according to my sound meter application on my iPhone is hitting me with about 70 db every time he is on the phone. (Yes I measured it) That is if he doesn't leave his cubie... he has a head set and it gives him the freedom to pace while on the phone. A pacing path that comes right behind me. So the physical irritation is at max. All of which I might be able to tune out if he did not represent everything in business sales that disgust me. He is a hard sale, mis-information (liar), critical, non-listening sales person. Frankly... he is full of crap.

So what do I do? Me, I complain. I complained to Mr. Unlovable No.2 and management. I tried to complain to God, but He said, "Love him." What is God's deal? Why does He hide His most beautiful truths in the most offensive of people.

Hoping management would move me or him, and this whole finding some spiritual treasure in the guy would pass - - I made my best argument. After all everyone in the office can't stand the guy... oh and by the way... I participated in the gossip too. So the boss calls me in his office this morning and tells me, "I like where you sit, the best way to deal with it is close 10 loans a month."

And so my quest begins. Not to do ten loans a month, but to find something lovable in this guy. To find out what his life story is, and why is he so offensive to me.

Step 1 - I invited him to lunch. 

Stay tuned.


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