Thursday, November 3, 2011

God Carrier v. God Chaser

Luke 17:20-21, “Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, `Look, here it is!' or, `There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Some fifteen years ago I read a book call God Chasers by Tommy Tenney. I remember very little about the book other than I believe is was supposed to be about people who would go after God with ALL their heart. That they would follow (Chase) Him anywhere. It also came at a time when I would literally travel the world to experience revival. I went to several churches along the gulf coast, and even went as far as Argentina to go and experience the presence of God in what evangelicals call revival. And to be truthful in the majority of the cases I did experience the presence of God. But today, in reflection, those travels though necessary would be completely immature by God’s personal standard for my life today. I was chasing an observable manifestation of God, ignoring the one in my midst, inside of me.

So today I write, not as a God Chaser, but as a God carrier. As a person who realizes that God is not confined in movement or geography. God does not show up only on Sunday morning in a building called a church. That though masses may experience the presence of God in what is called revival, or even a normal Sunday service; God is asking us to experience Him right now. He is asking us to connect, to be aware, He is in us now.

For me, God is walking away from the idea of the collective and to the individual. Jesus talked about a personal, one on one relationship. Yes, He said when two or more gathered, then He was in their midst. But more than ever, for me, His desire is one on one, not collective.

I’m sitting here at work, in a cubicle. People on both sides of me… nearly in tears at the awesome presence of God. Not bored like two days ago, but in awe that this is the place He chose to meet me today. Wow… what a perfect place to enjoy His company.

Perhaps this is what T Austin Sparks was describing when he wrote, “The question is: Have we got the unshakeable Kingdom within? That is, in a word, do we know the living Son of God in a living way within us? “God hath spoken”! Are we progressing in the knowledge of God in Christ? For He, the Son, encompasses all God’s fullness. All that ever we are to know, to have of God, is in Christ. God has given Him, and with Him given all things. We have to learn Christ, and learn Him in an inward way, and as we learn Him inwardly, what He is, how He expresses God’s own thought, desire, will, purpose, nature, the Kingdom which cannot be shaken is taking root in us, so we are receiving that Kingdom. To receive the Kingdom is to be progressing in the inward knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in all the comprehensiveness of God’s fullness dwelling in Him.”

Connect to God today where you are. Be a carrier of His presence, not just a chaser. Let your shadow be that of Jesus. Let your life be a reflection of Him. Be aware of Him in you, rather than chase His shadow in someone else.

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