Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - For Parents

Genesis 3:16, "...In pain you will bring forth children..."

At Iwo Jima (A men's meeting) this week I was given the blessing of having a father share his pain, fears, frustration, and love as he has entered his adult son into rehab for the second time. In the process he stumbled upon a journal from his son's first visit to rehab some three years ago. As he opened it, unsure of it's contents he read his son's first experience with 12 steps. Without going too deep it should suffice to say that this son wrote how his father was his number one problem with life. In detail he listed the times that his father had failed him. With a mix of sadness, anger, and frustration the father askes the rethorical question, "Why do our children remember vividly every mistake we make while we are alive, and remember only the fond memories when we are gone?"

Reality is that we do that with many of our relationships in life. The ex-boyfriend who was the frog is suddenly remembered as prince charming. The ex-boss is suddenly a saint in relation to the new boss. But why do we do that?

Jim Spivey says it is because of the curse. (Gen 3:14-19) The result being "in toil... all the days of your life." It is as if life fights against us for as long as we are here. That the blindness is not revealed until the object is gone.

Well I don't want to participate in the blindness any more.

To both my parents I want to say that I am thankful for you. Dad you are a great example of Christ. We have had our share of disagreements, but I choose today to remember and be thankful for all the good.

Mom you too are a great example of Christ though wholely different from Dad. I love you and am thankful God chose you to be my mom inspite of the fact that our relationship can be overly taxing at times.

I am thankful that I had parents who were concerned for my well being. Who desired for me to do well in school and sports because they loved me and wanted to see me successfully survive and thrive in life. I am thankful for parents who never missed a game or event. I am thankful for parents willing to argue with my stupidity and listen to my open thoughts.

Thank you Mom & Dad for never giving up, for always being there, and for your constant prayers.
Most of all thank you for your love. Though it did not always yield the best results, I know that you always gave me all you have, and your best.

Thank you for being you, and for loving me. You both are worthly of my thankgiving today.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder to always look for the good things! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
