Friday, November 4, 2011

Sweet & Sour

Job 1:21, "He said, 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.'"

It has been a wonderful week for me. So many victories experienced on the battlefield of life. So wonderful it has actually almost become a distraction to being aware of Christ. Good news with my Dad, great outcomes at work almost cause the excitement to overrun the One responsible for it all.

So today, like the song posted says, I turn back to say, "Bless the name of the Lord." Thank you Father for your love and your faithfulness.

And even as I say this for myself I am reminded of Romans 12:15 as I read a text message from a true warrior friend of mine. The scripture says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." So if you choose, rejoice with me in God's rich blessings while I morn with my friend whom tragedy has come calling in his world.

In it all God is in control. He controls the sweet, and He controls the sour. They each have their place. This is Jim quoting Dr. Lissa Rankin has he wrestles with a Father taking his own life, and the fall out from that. Dr. Rankin says, “Joy and despair are not opposite ends of some proverbial emotional spectrum.  They are sisters on the path to being radically alive - and they are not so far apart from each other as you might think.  From the pits of despair, you are suddenly able to access a level of joy so deep and profound - in the absence of any personal triumph that might otherwise cause you to feel joyful.  Maybe our darkness is really nothing to fear.  Maybe we need not avoid journeying into the depths of despair.  Maybe it is in the pit that we mysteriously gain access to our greatest joy.  Maybe joy and pain are so intimately connected that we must truly experience one in order to fully know the other.  If we fear our terror, grief, and anger, we blunt our giddy, giggly, overwhelming joy.  And who would want that?"

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