Monday, November 14, 2011


2 Corinthians 13:1, "This is the third time I am coming to you. Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses."

One key point in my book God Speaks is that everything God speaks, He confirms. This happens so often in the bible. Perhaps Jesus was the only one who did not need for the Father to repeat Himself.

For me God is repeating the lesson of Sonship. No sooner do I have the experience then the following day I met 3 people who God is saying the very same thing. One person heard it while in prayer on a silent retreat. So all around me is the confrimation of God calling me to walk deeper in this sonship... in being His child.

Then I open my computer this morning and read this from Oswald Chambers, "We should be so one with God that we don’t need to ask continually for guidance. Sanctification means that we are made the children of God."

Oswald goes on to the results of this God's child awareness. Like Christ seeing and hearing what the Father was doing, being a child of God gives us a new awareness of what God is doing around us. Oswalds says, "We can all see God in exceptional things, but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail. Never believe that so called random events of life are anything less that God's appointed order. Be ready to discover His divine designs anywhere and everywhere."

How childlike must we be to achieve this. What childlike faith it must take let go of our explanations and expectations to see God's perfect working not only in our lives, but in others.

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