Friday, June 3, 2011

Cleaning House

Luke 10:40-41, "But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

In the midst of Love The Job I suddenly became distracted yesterday and this morning with a business idea/opportunity. I don't know why, but this happens to me all the time. I will usually ponder it, strategize, explore, and research until I find the risk associated with it. And the majority of the time the risk/reward proposition is out of whack, or the capital to start is not there. Either way, the idea dies in my head. But this particular idea, though nothing new, is an opportunity for something to run on autopilot and perhaps generate revenue with minimal effort. And like my friend Mike says, "His goal is to make more money with less effort." At least that's the goal of business. The problem is it has absolutely nothing to do with my mission mandate. Shameless surrender so that some might know Christ more does not include or encompass this business opportunity. So what was I to do with it?

My first thought was to pitch the idea to a friend and ask for some cash to run and experiment. Given his expertise and appetite I'm quite confident he would have gone for it. But the mission mandate was saying, No. Really my only option in keeping with the call of God was to give the idea away. But to who?

Of all places, he was on Facebook. There was the perfect person to pitch giving this too. He has probably half the pieces of the puzzle already. I have the other half. We talked and perhaps God is working in all of this, time will tell. But in the meantime he knows my ideas and efforts come without costs to him. He knows that I am wholly dependent upon God and that if my act of love provides any value, then he will pray about what God would have him do for me. Pretty darn cool relationship if you ask me.

That said I have something else to give away so to speak. Two friends of mine and me bought a hand-soap formula years ago. Nothing much every really happened with it, but it is absolutely the best hand-soap for getting off oil, brake dust, and really anything greasy. The point is I am ready to give that away (in part) to anyone who would like to pick it up and run with it. So if anyone knows anyone interested let me know. I do have a place that will manufacture it along with someone local to distribute. All it needs is someone to catch the vision and make it happen. Contact me at for this.

Going forward I am toying with Propel evolving to Propel CC. CC being short for Consulting and Coaching. All services are provided free of charge. But like I told my friend. I am wholly dependent upon God so if I provide anything of value I would ask that the recipient pray and ask God if He would have them do something for me. Kind of my take on what Jim does for me. But of all people, Jim knows that to be copied is the ultimate in flattery.

So until the path becomes crystal clear I continue to search for God's perfect will and find the person He would have me love today. Amazingly enough, I have been finding someone nearly everyday.

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