Wednesday, June 8, 2011


1 Peter 2:20, "For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God."

Monday was a miserable day. Eight adults braving 103 degree heat to load a 24 foot moving van floor to ceiling, front to back. Plus an additional 3 pickup trucks full of more trappings. Seven miserable hours of back breaking, body aching work.

Have I told you how much I hate moving? I hate moving so much I would rather be staked out in a desert, drizzled with honey so the fire ants will eat my sun burned flesh as buzzards feast on my eyeballs. Even with this moving enmity, I still did it. I helped my parents out of obligation, and did it bitching and moaning the whole time. I voiced repeatedly that the only people being blessed were the ones who gave my folks the furniture in lieu of rent. Ruining any hope of eternal rewards for the act as there was zero patience or endurance in the day. Even though the end results was a couple of thousands of dollars worth of furniture given to me.

In fact the former tenant came by as we toiled. My brother in law engaged him first. He said, "you sure have a lot of heavy furniture." With a big smile the tenant said, "No you do." Me, I had to ask. Why give up all this furniture. The tenant proudly replied. "We are going with a minimalists lifestyle. We moved from 6000 sq ft to here, and from here to 1400 sq ft. apartment. We don't need it." Now this guy has it right.

I could go off on a self-righteous rant at this point, talking for the evils of stuff. Complain of the efforts to move someoneelse's crap. But that really wouldn't be truthful to myself.

Reality is I, like you, am human. I can have a bad day. And it ok... it's not the end of the world or my salvation. I could write about repentance and being sorry, and though this might make my Dad happy it would not be truthful either.

Monday happened. I complained... a lot. But at the end of the day everyone there still loves me. They will still talk to me, still help me out if I need it. And something else... if they need to move furniture again, I will unfortunately be there helping. Even if only out of obligation.

This tale should serve as a reminder to the few dozen of you that follow this blog daily. Never read this because of who the author is. Read it because it inspires spiritual growth, because it accomplishes its task of allow the reader, and the writer, to know Christ more.

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