Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kingdom Come

Luke 17: 20-21, "...the Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Look here it is!', or "there it is!' For behold the kingdom of God is in you midst." (inside you or within you)

I could post the 2 or 3 lessons leading to this point, but why not just go straight for the desert. Besides that is what everyone really wants anyway. However, before we get there I must preface by saying what I am about to write I have never heard before. In fact I do not have a theological or doctrinal basis for it.

God puts pastors and ministers in my path. As of late, some to learn from, but most to listen to and love on. One thing that I have noticed about the pastors God puts in my path is that they are all by in large in the same financial position of struggle as me. God knows the lessons He is teaching us in this, but I encountered a pastor the other day who is not financially struggling. To me He is an anomaly and in fact knows even more pastors and ministers who are struggling financially. And perhaps struggle is not a good word. Let's say these pastor are provided with just enough. That is a fair assessment of where God has them.

So this comfortable pastor explains that he feels guilty for not having to struggle financially. After all these men have well known ministries, and are considered great men of God. So I see the warped logic of, if a superior is struggling, then why shouldn't he. The following is what I said.

First I really don't see many people struggling like Job where they are attacked in finances, health, and relationships. Reality is the trials of life seem to come in one of those three areas. And they come to everyone. For the comfortable pastor above, his life's challenges are a constant health battle in his family. For others that I know-- they have secure finances, perfect health, but a relationship out of control. If a parent, the relationship is usually a child. All these trials are being used to prove that we are incapable, and that God is bigger than us. They are there for us to surrender to God. The end result being we love each other more.

One of these struggling pastors that I was talking with, like me, lost his business. He also lost his church and everything he owned. Two years ago he had a heart attack at 64 followed by 4 strokes. He has been recovering since, but his health caused the financial demise. Currently his wife has stage 4 cancer in both breast, but he keeps trudging on for God. He is a non-stop flowing fountain of God's word. Including what we all know to be prosperity preaching. And this is where I had to part with him in beliefs.

Here is where my THOUGHTS come in. Again, these are thoughts.

Yes I believe God is a God of restoration. But I also know that Abraham, the father of faith, never saw the promise. He did not see the promise while alive on earth because God was teaching that faith sees the rewards in heaven and earthly rewards are inconsequential.

I don't think God gives a crap about money. He does not care if you have it, and He does not care if you don't have. If you have it and He does not want you to have it, He will take it away. If you don't have it and He wants you to have it, you will. And here is why. Here is how all that prosperity preaching is correct and wrong in the context of money at the same time.

From the fall of Adam to John the Baptist relationship with God was broken. The only communication that God had with the common man was the law and through the physical word. Do good, get money was a type and shadow of what the spiritual world is like. The spiritual world is obey God and get a reward, in heaven. The passover dinner... prophetic type and shadow of what occurred on the cross in the spirit world. I have countless examples.

So here comes Jesus. What did He come preaching? Repent the kingdom of God is at hand. Somewhere over 70 times He mentioned this. This kingdom came with Christ's resurrection and the introduction of the Holy Spirit to the world. (Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven) From that point on the physical was irrelevant, and the spiritual is where the importance and the lesson is. Think about the Pharisees. They were complaining the disciples didn't wash before eating. Jesus commented that the Pharisees clean the outside but not the inside. He was not talking about the cup. He was talking about the person. Luke 17: 20-21 is this transition. It is the expression of going from the law (physical) to grace (spiritual). Yes the physical can mirror the spiritual, but at the same time this is not absolute. Because someone has or does not have money is in no way an indication of their spiritual condition. Peace, patience, understanding... LOVE... these are the true indicators.

And there is nothing or no one better at love than God. If something is standing in the way of that love, be it love of money, love of self, love of relationships... anything, God will remove it so that His love for you can be clearly manifested.

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