Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Romans 8:15, "For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

How could I let a Father's Day pass without giving honor to my Dad. It seems that the older I get the more I realize any and all of my negative judgments of him growing up were really just my own frailties and faults being magnified. Reality is God gave me one of the absolute best examples of Himself. Oh my Dad is not perfect, but God knew he was perfect for me. I truly am blessed!

Father's Day also stirs some other thoughts. Thoughts of hurting for those who had horrible fathers, or no fathers at all. I think of Mr Unlovable and the hundreds of men I have met in my few trips to prison to minister. I think about some of the characters on TV, all complaining and blaming there fathers. One lady I met recently said, "maybe I can't understand the love of God because my Dad was so bad." So for those with crappy fathers I say, God has many more loving fathers for you in this lifetime.

One other major thought today is about my children. I sincerely pray that I somehow honor my Dad the way that my children bring me honor. When I think of Hugh, Sarah, & Katherine (adult children) I give a fist pump and say YES!!!! The plan is coming together and they are my legacy. For Isaac, well he's a little young yet, but with God's help he is going to turn out great as well. And don't let me forget Lauren (Jamie's Daughter). Our relationship is daily evolving into something completely beautiful.

I think of the Fathers how have gone on before us. Thank you Lord that this world is temporary. That beyond is something eternal. Somewhere we will get to be with our Fathers and THE FATHER forever.

Finally to The Father. Daddy, we love you so much. You are magnificent. Your wisdom is beyond comprehension. Thank you... thank you for loving us. Everyday is your Father's Day.

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