Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fear Factor

2 Corinthians 10:5, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."

Ever notice how when you buy a new vehicle that upon driving it off the lot you suddenly notice on the road thousands of the same vehicle. Here you were, thinking you were unique, now you realize once again that you are one of thousands. Or ladies, how about that perfect dress, only to show up at the party and see it on someone else. This is called situational awareness, and is a common phenomenon in humanity. The links, the commonality, were there all along. It is just that our situation has made us aware to it.

That situation awareness has certainly been my experience as of late. I think the count is now up to 5 of the men and women chasing after God, but struggling with trusting God for finances. In fact, their situation are even more similar to mine. They not only share the immediate need, but as of late their income are projecting the wrong directions. Unlike the situational awareness of me now seeing every black F350 on the road since buying mine, I believe this is more of a God orchestrated event, so that we can share experiences and encourage one another.

One of those shared experiences is fear. We are all universally afraid of what tomorrow holds. The degree varies, but the fear is there none the less. In talking with one of these experience partners, I found out they were not only fearful, but also felt guilty for being afraid. They felt like it was somehow a lack of faith to have this fear. I personally do not believe that to be the case. So I encouraged them with the scripture above. It does not say, 'don't have fearful thoughts.' It does say bring those thoughts captive. In other words, don't make decisions based on them. I reminded them of Matthew 24 where Jesus asked to not go to the cross. To let the cup pass from Him. Why would he do that except for fear of it?

And perhaps the answer of how He faced and overcame the fear is found in 1 John 4:!8, "There is no fear in love; perfect love cast our fear... the one who fears is not perfected in love." So this situational awareness is really more a God orchestrated event to allow us to see the fear overcome with love for one another.

Amazing none the less. All of us in this experiment would love to be surrounded with people that have both the will and means to solve our financial need. For that matter, we would take the solution in any form, including but not limited to finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Instead God has chosen for us to dig in deeper together. God is saying, 'let me show you how to overcome that fear.' Loving Him, and each other conquers the fear. In the process increases our trust and faith in His abilities as we witness this wonderfully orchestrated concert of life.

I have another house cleaning item. I spoke to a friend the other day who said, did you know there is a Jeff Yuna who wrote a book? That Jeff Yuna is me, and the book is available online for review and comment.

It is actually book 1 of what I consider a 3 part series. God Speak, God Heals (finished but not edited), and Growing in Christ (work in progress) are the 3 titles. God Speaks is edited and ready for publishing.

I asked them if they would be interested in partnering with me to publish it. They are praying about it. But I since someone has already stepped up for the hand soap, I thought I would put this out as well. It will take me about $2000.00 to self publish. That will include a professional cover and availability at and Barnes & Long story, but if anyone is interested I will prayerfully consider all options.

For that matter if you just want to read a copy in PDF format, drop me an e-mail and I will send one over.

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