Saturday, June 11, 2011

People - - OMG

Luke 19:41-44, "When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it saying, "... because you did not recognize the time of your visitation."

I am convinced that if it weren't for people I would be able to walk in agape love. (LOL) In fact not only walk in love, but not miss my visitation. But as it is, the world is full of people, and thus this path to love is proving to have some very steep uphill battles.

 Like the people at Quest Diagnostics. I needed a drug screen for my employer. I arrived the other day at 4:03pm, and was told they would not do my test because they stop them at 4:00pm in spite of being open from 6:30AM to 5:00PM. Only to be turned away again the following morning at 8:30AM because they don't start drug screen tests until 10:00AM. There certainly was no common sense or customer service in any of it, and as a result I was a little fit to be tied. Forget the injustice that I have to even take the test when police, teachers, congressmen, judges, doctors... people in places of importance don't have to suffer the same humiliation.

But that experience was to be outdone moments later by the folks at Montgomery County Appraisal District. Some might say they are only doing their job. Well once again I had a gigantic encounter with a void of common sense and customer service. In fact, that whole experience seems to be an encounter with yet another completely corrupt, or at least gerrymandered system operated by people who not only support it, but simultaneously derive some twisted sense of enjoyment.

But what would Jesus do? I know if I was Jesus what I would do. Can anyone say, hell fire and brimstone? But I'm not Him, and unfortunately once again His word is more right than my attitude. I think Jesus would probably weep at the whole lot, just like He did for Jerusalem. So much energy being spent on spinning the wheels of life. Stuck in a big bog of mud, they just move to move, not getting anywhere.

Just writing about it gives me a whole new perspective. Those poor people... just wandering on the same path day after day... just getting by. Well, I'm glad for one that I am not one of them... and secondly, I am now sad that they are trapped in systems that won't allow them to recognize a visitation. Guess I should have gone in there a little less concerned about my issues, and instead been looking for opportunities to be a light.

Fail.... but the day is not over.

To go deeper, the real issue behind the whole bad attitude is that I am still trying to provide for myself rather than trust God's provision. Raising my property taxes while income is declining created an automated defensive reaction. Asking me to do more for my employer when my income is declining also hit that same defensive reaction. Three separate trips to the same place with Diesel at $4/gallon really pushed the provision button. Were I in the place of trust and faith for God's provision, then I would have had a better chance to be a light and walk in love. I even though I know those people did not deserve for me to walk in love towards them, that is precisely why I should have.

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