Saturday, July 2, 2011

611 (ii)

2 Corinthians 12:10, "Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong."

611 is a play on 411. It is the "information" on me discovering God as Provider & Provision. 611 is a commitment I made on 6/1/11 to not stop, to loose everything to discover this truth of God is my Provider & Provision.

I am only a month into this experiment and truly amazed at what I have discovered in God as Provision and Christ as the Bread of Life. I have learned very little in the way of God being Provider. Finances started on the 611 scale of -25 and now they are -28... but with the Bread of Life for food it is seriously immaterial what they are.

There is the physical world and there is the spiritual world, and only occasionally do the look the same. Likewise, regardless of my physical wealth, my spiritual wealth increases daily. It does by pieces of me, my ego dying and allowing Christ and the Kingdom of God to replace the void. It is a painful process, but as I go the pain is becoming more enjoyable. Not in a masochistic sense, but more in the sense of the pain felt the day after a rigorous work out. It is the pain of spiritual muscles growing as I become weak in my efforts and abilities. I am living 2 Corinthians 12:10... as I become physically weak, I become spiritually strong.

God says, love Me as Provider... and its a painful process. God says, love your brother... and again its a painful process because for me both are so unnatural. But with each passing dying breath I sense the closeness of God. I would describe it as His face getting closer and closer, waiting for me to die to self so that He can give me mouth to mouth and revive me in Him.

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