Sunday, July 17, 2011


1John 1:5, "... that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all."    

I can't remember where I read it, but I read that a rainbow is a look inside of light. Kind of cool if you think about it. Incredible how when red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet all combine in light it gives us a white light.

Letting imagination run wild I ask how does this describe God, who is light. Certainly depending on perspective everyone sees God a little different. Some might see Him as figuratively blue, while others see him as figuratively red. But light is some much more than the visible colors of the rainbow. What of the invisible colors like those in the scale of infrared or ultraviolet.

Think of it, God shines His ultraviolet light (the light used by CSI to find trace evidence) into the unsaved. Visible to their soul are the dust particles and evidence of the sinful life. Conviction, Repentance, Salvation... the Christian begins to play in the rainbow of the now visible God. He runs here and there looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He describes the rainbow. He loves the rainbow. But there is more... There is the infrared component of life.

What can we do with infrared? We can see in the dark! We can see things we could have never seen without it. The infrared part of God becomes visible after surrender. The infrared is the kingdom of God come alive in the Christian to give Him vision and clarity.

One last thing about light. I don't know when Science discovered that darkness is the absence of light just as cold is the absence of heat, but according to scripture God knew it all along. "In Him there is no darkness." Well duh!

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