Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hanging Out

Luke 19:5, "When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, 'Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.'"

What an awesome day! In began with sadness sending my daughter and her boyfriend back to New York City. Sad that I could not have her in my possession, but at the same time I dropped her off confident she is in the middle of God's plan for her life. That this time of training, growing, sharing, will not last forever, and if God wills she will once again be close enough to visit face to face more often. Plus I understand there are people there in New York that need her friendship and love. I clearly see how God is using her as a light, a safe harbor in a very dark industry. More so, I see how God has given her an incredible partner in the New York project. It makes her Dad's heart glad.

But to see this clearly was not all God had in-store. He treated my wife to a much deserved gift. And while on the way to the mall to pick something else up, some extreme randomness in the parking lot led us to running into a friend of ours. We were all in fact headed to the same store. Afterwards we had a seat in the mall and just talked.

This friend is one of the typical wounded Christians I encounter. Wounded by a spouse, scorned after decades of marriage. The wounds are scaring over, but still fresh enough for the friend to look in the mirror everyday and be reminded of how evil the opposite sex can be. There is an undertone of confusion, perhaps distane even for God in this destruction of hope and life. All of which is manifesting in pure self will in relationships. Bouncing from one to another, no commitment, no consideration of God, only a fear of being hurt again, and a longing for time to rewind to better days. All of which allowed me to practice what I preach in the presence of my wife.

It was awesome to just jump in the mud with our friend. To listen without advice or question. To see a person in a place I have been, but for Jamie and I to be united as a light. An example of what God intends in a marriage. A light of hope after divorce. We did nothing, but be friends. We just were. We were our ourselves and that is where the love of God was. A proverbial shoulder to cry on, while not wavering from the truth and beauty of a godly relationship and marriage.

There may have been no noticeable impact on our friend. But one thing I am certain of. We were Christ as in that hour. It was Jesus that sat there and lived through us. And always it was Jesus looking at us saying, "will you love Me?"

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