Sunday, July 31, 2011

From Suffering to Surrender

Job 42:5, "I have heard of Thee by hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees Thee."

Job at the end of loosing literally everything except his very life says to God that he has heard about Him... but now he sees Him. God, you were an idea, a thought, a chapter in a book, a lesson at Sunday school... but now, wow... you are real. I see you!

This was Job's moment of awakening. The admission that everything he thought he knew or thought he was, all is abilities, all his personal strengths and talents are nothing when he says "I retract..." He awakens to the truth and has no option but to surrender.

Oswald Chambers says, "It is not true to say that God wants to teach us something in our trials: through every cloud He brings, He wants us to unlearn something. His purpose in the cloud is to simplify our belief until our relationship to Him is exactly that of a child..."

I posted the other day about bad days, pains, and general emotional suffering. It came in a moment of desperation, when I could hear God but not see Him. As many are aware a creditor had filed for foreclosure on my home. And simultaneously one of the loans on my property ballooned and the terms of renewal from the bank required even more cash I did not have. Adding insult to injury some property taxes on the same were past due. Perhaps I could try to solve the issue by borrowing it from someone, but in my heart I could hear God saying it's all ok. Then came the command. Something completely off the wall. It was to ask the bank for different terms of the renewal which included solving the tax problem.

I obeyed and in no uncertain terms the bank told me no way. That was Monday. Today is Thursday. The foreclosure was scheduled for Tues. On Wednesday a friend who had guaranteed the ballooning loan for me  asked me to meet him at the bank. Today, of his own volition, he suggested to the bank do the very thing I has asked of them, and which they rejected. Worded differently, but exactly as I proposed on the compulsion of God. They accepted.

In the middle of this meeting I had to make a trip to the car. On the way back my phone rang. It was the attorney for the creditor who posted my property for foreclosure. I asked if they had accepted my payout offer. He said, no. So I asked, "what are we going to do?" He said, they have no interest in foreclosing, and are not going to foreclose. Send us a couple hundred dollars, and make whatever payment you can as you can afford it. The for a little icing on the cake - a couple of friends, led byGod, have said they will partner with me in getting 2 of my books published.

I understand what Job meant... I have heard of Thee.. (and from Thee)... but now I see Thee. Today, I saw God's masterful hand at work.

The suffering that leads to surrender will lead to obedience. From there, there may or may not be more suffering, but one thing is for sure. Jesus said, "I you will obey me I will disclose myself to you." Today was full disclosure. Today was a day of seeing.

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