Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trying - Trying/Trusting v Trusting

Galatians 5:1, "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery."

My faith coach, Jim Spivey, really got my juices flowing this morning with his blog. It was a presentation of law v. faith or trying v. trusting. Something very near to my heart at the moment as I "try" to trust God fully. In the blog a quote really hit me. Not as much for it's content as it is from Watchman Nee who I am currently reading.

Nee says, "We have spoken of trying and trusting, and the difference between the two. Believe me, it is the difference between hell and heaven."

Jim says, "Nothing real and lasting is ever accomplished or secured through 'trying,' because 'trying' is grounded in 'not having,' and 'not having' consciousness cannot leave or transform itself, even in the 'getting.' The experience will stay stuck in 'not having' or 'not deserving,' regardless of the physical circumstances. Only 'already having, but not sure how' (i.e. trusting) consciousness can invite and experience a 'shift' into clearly knowing and appreciating how, whether physically getting or not."

Interpretation - - God says in Psalms 50:10, "For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills." God has everything we need physically and spiritually. We have to trust we have it too. We have to trust our need is met because the provision is already there.

So Jim and Watchman Nee, and others, drawl this line between trying and trusting. It is a black and white subject with no mention of grey. And yet I mentioned that I was "trying" to trust. What of trying to trust? And what of trusting God to bless the trying?

We know that in the realm of Christianity there are those that "try" to be Christians. At church and in public they pretend momentarily and act the way that a Christian "should." Yet at home and in private are far different. We see occasionally someone who appears to be fully trusting in their salvation. Free and living for Christ without guilt. But I think most perhaps may fall in between.

When I say that I am "trying" to trust God, the effort is not coming from the trust. The effort is in the crucifying everything within me that will not trust. And in fact it is not me causing the death... it really is God and the only effort I am making is NOT picking up ME again. The effort is to not to succumb to the slight emotional pain and vast life experience. This is something that in the spiritual context is readily understandable. But I want to look at it in the practical world. In the physical world of need.

All around me are people saying "start trying" to provide more for your family and "trust" God to bless that effort. Is this an option in the black and white world of try or trust?

I am reminded of a go-karting lesson. My son raced go-karts on a competitive basis nationally. He was on the same racing team as Danica Patrick. We would go to the races and I was his pit crew. Coming off the track I always made the adjustments to the kart before cleaning it. I wanted the race stuff done first, then the cosmetic could follow. While every other mechanic on the team would clean the kart first and then make adjustments. The results were I was always behind the other guys, and always filthy at the end of the day. Until one day I asked why they did it that way. The mechanic replied, work slower, go faster.

The principle is true. Work slower, and a clean work space, less stress, etc may the job go easier and faster. Likewise more trust and less trying make life go faster... the results come quicker. More prayer, not less until the thoughts are clean, then the work goes faster and is more effective.

I don't have the answer because I am in the middle of discovering the fullness of this truth. The truth to Trust not Try. Somehow if the spiritual is rightly trusting with God, the physical works itself out. Somehow if I/we seek first the kingdom of God (which is spiritual and within us) then all these things (the physical) are added to me/us.

I know that we can trust that we have access to the Father because of the blood of Jesus Christ. I know that when we go to Him in prayer, trusting in that blood and nothing else. In our dirtiest state, or cleanest, trusting in the blood gives honor to Christ and His obedience. I trust that NOTHING can separate me from the love of God. So I go to God, trusting He will speak the answer, show me the path, and display Himself as Provider/Provision in my life. I trust that once I understand Him as such, then He will start the process of showing me Himself as something complete different and expand the total vision I have of Him.

Beyond that I continue to trust and stop trying. Not because it is the latest spiritual fad, but because it is what He is telling me to do. He is saying "stop trying." Shortly I feel He will say "do this" and if He says do this or do that... then I will, trusting it is Him doing it through me. But until then I am going to rest in the freedom from the slavery of trying and my effort.

On the same subject from Hudson Taylor, "Here, I feel, is the secret; not asking how I am to get sap out of the Vine into myself, but remembering that Jesus is the Vine - the root, stem, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruit, all indeed. I have not got to make myself a branch. The Lord Jesus tells me I am a branch. I am part of Him and I have just to believe it and act upon it. I have see it long enough in the Bible, but I believe it now as a living reality... I do not know how far I may be able to make myself intelligible about it, for there is nothing new or strange or wonderful -- and yet, all is new! In a word, whereas once I was blind, now I see... I am dead and buried with Christ - - aye, and risen too and ascended... God reckons me so,and tells me to reckon myself so. He knows best... Oh, the joy of seeing the truth - - I do pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened, that you may know and enjoy the riches freely given us in Christ."

Conclusion - - Trying is our effort, trusting is God's effort... anything in between is lukewarm and as worthless as trying. When we trust God we do, we do not try.... when we trust God we do because it is Christ in us doing.

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