Monday, August 1, 2011

Living Water

John 7:38, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water."

I read this scripture and marvel at it's depth... literally. It describes our coming into relationship with Jesus, and understanding it is as if God has us a refreshing glass of living water. Then at some point we look at the same glass, and find it is really a pond of water. Looking again we see it is not a pond, but a river. Still yet with another look later in life this living water is an endless ocean too deep and too wide to fathom.

At the same time, this water being living is new and fresh everyday. It never stagnates, and as such it provides a fresh baptism daily. Christ living water is the daily baptism of self, the daily dying, the daily death, burial, and resurrection.

If that were not enough, this living water rubs against who we are in it. Over time our jagged edges become smooth. It softens us, it washes away dirt and filth. It gives life.

It is a fountain that is new everyday. Today's taste of living water is not the same as yesterday's, nor the same as tomorrows. It is the freshness that makes Christianity such joy.

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