Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do YOU want to do?

Covered Emptiness. М Космополитес
Matthew 12:50, "For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother."

In my travels I have come to a question more than once in the past few days. It is the question of, "What does God want me to do?" To be frank, it is a question I ask myself daily. But the circumstances I am hearing it from others is from the perspective of individuals searching for that purpose, activity, or job they should be doing while remaining in relationship to God.

Universally when I hear people openly searching for God in this manner I will always respond, "What is God telling you to do?"

What has prompted this post now is that more than once in a couple of days the people have said God responded with, "What do you want to do?" And like me in the past, they are interpreting that response as do whatever you would like, and God will go with you. When they say that I cannot help but laugh because I have been there, and I understand God has asked a trick question.

In 2002 faced with the demise of a life's work I went to God with the very same question. What do you want me to do? And got the very same question in response. God said, "What do you want to do?"

Why did I interpret that as Him giving me permission to be a creator? I even argued with friends and leaders about being created in His image, an image that creates. I argued that God want's children, not slaves. That all children are allowed at some point to be of society and to contribute with their creativity. I argued that we are given talents to use. I argued about the permissive will of God v. the specific will of God. And I argued that because we cannot hear or see clearly, that we have to move regardless of the command of God. All of this. All of these arguments for me were a 9+ year waste of time. None of these were the answer God was looking for when He asked, "What do you want to do?"

I am not here saying this is for everyone, because many never come to the question. But if you have asked God what do I do? Or asked it in any other form, and the response from heaven has been, What do you want to do? Let me give you the answer. The answer to what do you want to do is ALWAYS... the will of the Father.

"I want to do Your will." I want to do whatever You want me to do. I have no will of my own, You command me. That is the answer! All other answers are the long road to surrender. All other answers are direct confrontation to your abilities and the inadequacy they represent. To answer any other way is to prolong discovering the real answer of God's will and only God's will.

James 4: 13&15 "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.'...Instead you ought to say, 'IF THE LORD WILLS, we will live and also do this or that."

So you give the answer God wants to hear and what happens? Nothing. Nothing is very likely the next thing you are going to hear. For me at least, the path to obedience began with rest. It began with doing nothing at all. I had to unlearn doing. I had to unlearn my plans, my abilities, my talents, and I unlearned them by completely yielding to God, and Him saying do nothing but trust Me. I still am unlearning daily, particularly trying to unlearn predicting the results, because with God results never seem predictable.

If God is saying nothing. Then nothing is what you are supposed to do. Because coupled with: I want to do the will of the Father is also I will do NOTHING without Him. I will do NOTHING apart from His command. Nothing... it's a powerful place with God.

Go ahead strive to hear His voice. Earnestly seek His command, His plan. But remember no response is to simply rest and trust in Him while doing nothing. It is from here that He will begin to command. And from here that you will discover a God like you have never seen before.

Take the mask off, and rest in the emptiness. It is here that surrender is found, and here that Christ will fill you with Himself. 

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