Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 19:24, "Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Previously somewhere in these many post I have commented on this scripture, and how many things other than financial wealth can stand between us and our relationship to God. But today I wanted to use this same passage to show something else.

This passage is the tail end of an encounter a rich your ruler had with Jesus. For years I have argued that in that account Jesus' command to sell everything was not a salvation issue. I reasoned that when Jesus said, "If you wish to be COMPLETE, go and sell... and you will have TREASURE in heaven." The Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus with a loving heart, having earnestly sought God, having lived effectively the commandments. The command was there to show there is something more than just salvation.

But don't believe my interpretation only. In his book first published in 1726 called Christian Perfection, William Law makes the very same argument. In fact, he spends an entire chapter proving the point.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with who William Law is; his writings deeply influenced the Evangelical revival, particularly the ministry of John & Charles Wesley, and many lessor known revivalist.

So with some strong character behind my theological argument, that in so many ways bucks the mainstream, let me press on and rub a few more dogmatic doctrinal feathers.

Jesus says with Matthew 19:24, that it is "hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Where is the rich man trying to enter?

Those obstacles like financial riches, education, talent, that we depend on over our trust in God are all factors that, like the camel, must be taken off of us before we enter the kingdom of God. A kingdom that is not some far off, post death experience, but rather here and now. Money is easy to understand as being something reliable. But there are many things within our soul, our ego, that we rely on more than God. To enter the kingdom of God those must be stripped away.

Let me be very clear. This is not a salvation issue. This is a post salvation walk with God. We are saved by the blood. We are, an addition to salvation, given the right to enter the kingdom of God in this life. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on EARTH as it is in heaven, " Jesus said. He also said in Luke 17:21, "... For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." Literally meaning inside of you.

Why would so many parables be about obtaining the kingdom of God now? What is obtained after selling everything is a pearl. But that pearl is not salvation. The pearl is entrance into the kingdom of God here and now.

How could Jesus tell the disciples some would not die until they see the kingdom of God? Because some would discover it. Some would enter into it while living.

Why does the kingdom of God belong to a child? Because they are not contaminated with wisdom, judgments, ego, talents, etc.

The kingdom of God is real, it is here, and it is now. It is in addition to salvation. It's entrance is through the cross to bearing down on our ego, stripping us of anything but trust in God.

But don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself. Ask God to show you His kingdom. 

Finally I want to close with what Law said about riches. "If therefore, the rich and great man can find out a course of pleasures, that support no wrong turn of mind; a luxury and indulgence, which do not gratify sensuality; delights, and entertainments, which indulge no vain or weak passions; if they can find out such self-enjoyments of their riches as show that they love God with all their strength, and their neighbors as themselves; if they can find out such instances of splendor and greatness, as gratify neither the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, nor the pride of life; religion has no command against such enjoyments."

It is not about the riches... it is about the heart that possesses them. That heart must be purified to enter the kingdom of God in this life. This pure heart and the entrance into the kingdom of God here and now is of such great value, that Jesus said it is worth selling everything to possess. It is worth getting rid of everything and anything standing in the way.

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