Monday, August 15, 2011


1 John 4:12, "No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us."

No sooner had I listened Laura Shook minister the above scripture this morning in church, and the opportunity to live it out pops up at Luby's of all places. (For those not from the southern part of the US, Luby's is a cafeteria)

God works in the craziest of ways. My family and I were having lunch after church at Luby's of all places, and I just happened to notice the young lady cleaning tables, and fetching everyone refills on their drinks. My thoughts were what great service, but why is she working here? Why is the manager talking to her? Does he realize how hard she works?

So as she came to clear the empty plate of my 3000 calorie lunch I scarfed down, I just wanted to complement her, and let her know I see how hard she works.

It is not like I was all pious, and in the restaurant ask asking, 'Oh Lord, show us thy child in need of Your love, or something stupid like that.' On the contrary, just acted on the unconscious, or perhaps spirit conscious compulsion to compliment her.

So I did... I called her by the name on her tag, and complimented her work. Her name is Holly by the way.

Her reply let us know that she works for $2.13/hour. I had no idea those ladies who work so hard in Luby's dining room are paid waitress minimum wage and rely on tips. So lesson number one - If you eat at Luby's leave a tip on the table.

Moving on... I asked, "Why do you work here then? Your service is incredible. Why not work somewhere else where tips are customary, and you can make more?"

She replied, "When I was 19 years old I was hit my a drunk driver in a car accident that broke my neck in 3 places. My neck and back are held together with titanium rods. I have to be very careful where I work." I agree, she has every right to be cautious with where she works. Particularly since I also learned she is a single mother of two.

I didn't go much further than that. My daughter said she wished she had a thousand dollars to tip her. We, for the first time in Luby's, tipped all we could. Some could add up the dollars and cents and say it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. There are a lot of interpretations and speculation about the results of our act of love.

But what is indisputable is that we acted in love on behalf of Christ and Him living through us.

Whether she sees it, or you see it... God knows its true.

Go and love someone for no other reason than Christ compels you to. Love someone without agenda, without an opportunity for repayment. Love someone on the peripheral of your life, loving someone close is too easy for this assignment.


  1. Thanks for posting your story, Jeff! I had no idea they were depending on tips either!! Thanks for letting us know. And thanks for letting Christ's love be made "complete" in you yesterday! Love you!

  2. Jeff, I am currently struggling to love someone who is not easy to love right now. This reminds me to have compassion...we don't always know the details of people's lives. Just like that waitress, once we know the details it makes more sense why they have made the choices they have made. Our job is to allow Christ to flow through us into their lives. We are His hands and feet. Sweet that you and your family
    took notice of this woman and her struggle. I am praying for your family and for hers too because of your post.

  3. Anonymous - - excellent point... "the details it makes more sense why they have made the choices they have made." And I will ad that it is not our place to make choices for them. Just to be a light to their path.

    Thank you so much for sharing that. It means a great deal to me to not struggle alone.
