Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lilly Simons

James 2:18, "But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works."

Meet Lilly Simon. Her telephone number is 512-228-7697. Hang onto that, you will need it shortly.

I am amazed at the lengths to which God will go to show someone that they are loved. Some might dismiss it all as coincidence, but I know better. I know that I felt compelled to go to Austin, specifically on Wednesday, to drop off some office equipment I sold to a friend. In another coincidence, my friend asked if I would prefer cash over a check. I told him it did not matter to me, but it would be nice to have some cash for the trip home. By coincidence his bank was located in a Walmart. By coincidence I notice a Chick Fil A around the corner and suggested lunch. By coincidence my friend points to a burger joint, and asks if I would rather eat there, and by coincidence when I look I see a woman holding a sign that says, "Struggling mother, please help."

Immediately I knew what I had to do. I knew an exact amount of money I was to give, and I got out of the car playfully upset with God because it was a sacrificial amount. I said, dog gone God... really?

To quote my friend, mentor, and fellow laborer with Christ, Jim Spivey, "God's love is self-revealing (you won't have to look for Him, He will just show up) and self-animating (you won't have to wonder what to do, it will be self-evident), after you complete your self-crucifying (having fully accepted the death of all of your fear-based illusions)."

Walking up to the lady I invited her out of the 104 degree heat and into Chick Fil A with us. Offering her anything on the menu she humbly settled for a small order of fries and a small coke, which I up-sized to a large. My friend, Lilly, and I all sat at the table, and I quizzed her on her situation.

She is a 39 year old mother of a 13 year old son. She recently lost her job in the "organic farming" business. I am assuming it is some kind of migrant farm work because she was paid 1099, and as a result of not being W2 is ineligible for unemployment. She does not have transportation and though she lives in town, by some coincidence took 2 buses to the local where we found her.

And I might say that having lived in Austin there are a lot better places to panhandle than where she picked. But again, this was all a gigantic plan of God.

She divorced about 4 years ago. She doesn't know why her husband left her. She thought they got along. Perhaps he is just a turd (my opinion, not hers), and that is why he threatened her if she were to ask for child support. In fear she agreed to no support. Lilly graduated from high-school, has some college courses in horticulture, and has a self-proclaimed green thumb. Within the past couple of weeks she has been accepted to receive food stamps, and is doing her best to search the internet on her phone for jobs and further assistance. Her phone bill is $35/Mo.

She is days from being evicted from her $645/mo apartment. Apparently in Austin there is no grace because all the apartments are full.

She cried at my invitation to lunch. She cried telling me how she has grown closer to God, and never prayed so much in her life. She teared up at the daunting task of paying bills with no income. I could feel her fear and her pain. And she cried as I reached into my pocket, and gave her exactly what I was supposed to.

She was so gracious and thankful, but I had to remind her not to thank me. She needed to thank God because He used me in part of the answer to her prayers. I explained that He brought me all the way from Houston so that He could say He loves her. A love that is not just words, but works too.

As we were about to leave I made a couple promises to her. One was this very blog. That I would let you know her blight, and that I would give you the opportunity to bless her in obedience to God. It was then my friend reached into his pocket and handed her some more cash. When we got in the car he told me that he had brought that cash to bless Jamie and I with some date money. He gave it to Lilly instead, and for that I gave him a high-five.

All that said, put on a spirit of prayer and ask God what you can do for her. Perhaps you can call and get the number to her landlord and pay some portion of her rent direct and over the phone. Who knows. But I do know God is having me write this for others to get involved. I did not get her address because as I said she is days from being evicted. I would hate for someone to mail a blessing that did not reach her, and I know that between my friend and I we did not fully meet her immediate need. But God will.

Faith works, and works are faith. Just be faithful.

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