Friday, August 12, 2011

Back to Reality

Acts 18:3, Regarding the Apostle Paul, "and because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and they were working, for by trade they were tent-makers."

At present God has not provided completely for my needs through gifts, or lottery winnings, or coins in fishes mouths, and after much prayer and well over 100 applications I have to go back to life... back to reality.

I have taken a position to fill the gap if you will. A position of 100% commission, self-paced and self-motivated selling of credit card and check clearing services. It's a mindless job, with leads provided to me. I will be one of the many worker bees in the hive.

But today was my first day of training. A ride along if you will. Now the company has Integrity in its name, and I  haven't asked where that came from, but what I witness on my ride along was some really hard selling on someone who's company didn't need the service. Fortunately they did not succumb to the pressure. But I almost decided in that moment to not go forward. Not that I can't hard sell someone, because I can. But that I cannot hard sell someone when I can see clearly it is not a product or service in their best interest. I did debrief my trainer afterwards regarding the hard sell. And he explained that he was just trying to keep the guy engaged so that could get a full taste of the objections I might face. He later explained that in his normal approach he would not have gone there.

So I feel better. Tomorrow is another day of riding along, and then Monday it's down to business. Down to the business of finding God in my day, finding someone to minister to in the middle of making some tents. And when God calls to go another direction. When God makes a financial way to do nothing but meet the Robert(s), Tim(s), and Birmy(s) of this world, then I won't have any issue walking away.

Someone asked, is this something you can make a career out of. To that I said, "Oh no... my career is ministry, this is just a stop gap until God opens those doors." However God wants me, however He needs me... that's what I am here to do, and be just exactly that.

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