Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Forge

Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way the should go, Even when he is old he will not depart.

I love this scripture for so many reasons. Largely because it says "even when he is old." It gives hope to the parents with wayward children and prodigal sons; that at some point, even if it takes until they grow old, they will not depart from the path.

But today I saw something for the very first time that I never noticed.

In searching for something from God between appointments I was compelled to call a friend of mine by the name of Prince Couisnard. I have not been to his house in 5 or 6 years and I just wanted to find out what is going on in his ministry to inner city kids. He invited me to his house, and on the surface nothing had changed. Walking in to the smell of pancakes and syrup I was introduced to 7 young men. Only 1 was Prince's. You see Prince has been reaching out to the underprivileged inner city kids of Houston's Third Ward for more than the 10 years I have know him. He and his wife have always had a house full of hungry children, and they have always feed as many as were hungry. Prince has a supernatural love and compassion for these kids. He welcomes them in, gets to know them, disciples them in Christ, teaches them to pray and know God's voice, all with the hopes that they will one day join him in his mission to see as many as he can saved.

So here I am... same ole same ole, Prince is still a prince. It's then that he invites me for the tour. Now mind you I knew the ministry had grown. Prince started out with $600 per month in support. We drove around the corner to the current home of his ministry efforts. A $6 million dollar facility in the heart of poverty. Standing as a capital for Christ in the middle of a gang war zone is The Forge Family Center.

It is there we transferred to a facility van. I asked him why not go in my truck if we going to cruise the neighborhood. He said, "It's not safe for a white dude to ride around where we are going."

Frankly I laughed. At one point in my career I owned rental properties in the area. I'm not afraid.

And so we drove and I saw the original building he ministered out of when I met him 10 years ago. I saw projects where he explained that he has 40 kids from there. I heard stories of how children he has ministered too have been killed on the streets, of the drugs, the gangs... the usual stuff associated with these neighborhoods. And then as we made our way we turned down a street that truly brought fear to me. And Prince is right, I would not drive down it. At a four way stop there are power lines going over all four lanes and dozens of pairs of shoes hang from them. It was the ultimate mark of this is Satan's territory. In the streets were men that you would see on the most violent of TV programs. And these are the men Prince competes with daily for the souls of the youngsters in the neighborhood. I am not afraid to tell you, I actually feared for my life. I did not know these streets existed in Houston, Texas. And that is no bull.

70% of the young men and women The Forge reaches out to do not have a father participating in their life. Many, without the program would drop out of high school. From what I saw The Forge not only gives these children activities like sports. Over 400 participate in their basketball program alone. But they have classes to help re-mediate them. Classes for young adults and parents. Most importantly Prince and the staff get eyeball deep into these people lives so that some might be saved and discipled.

As we drove around I couldn't help but think, "Aren't Prince and his wife doing what the parents should be doing?" It was then the Holy Spirit showed me that the scripture of above does not say "parents" train a child. It just says train them. It is an open invitation to anyone and everyone. An invitation Prince fully embraces to the fullest of possibilities. 

The work that Prince and The Forge are doing is worthwhile and regardless of what happens from accountability to old age, it is certain that when they are old, these children touched by this ministry will know the path to be on. They may be coming back to it, but God's word promises that in old age they will not depart.

That said, the ministry takes a lot of money to operate and reach the thousands of poverty stricken people they do. The facilities are paid for, but operating is always an issue. If you would like to support their ministry please go to and allow God to bless them through you.

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