Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Return of the Alien - - starring Robert

John 15:19, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you."

I had some time between non-productive appointments, so I ran by Ecclesia on Taft street to see what I could stir up. Outside was Robert sitting with a mangy mutt puppy. I asked him what he was doing. "Dog sitting," he replied.

 I can tell you that today Robert was ripe. The stench put out a good 15 foot perimeter. But that's ok. We talked a little about his artwork. He showed me the napkin drawing of the Alien in the birdcage. He said, "Glad you got to see it before I blew a booger on it." You can't help but laugh.

I asked, "Who are you in the picture? The alien or the bird?"

He replied, "Both."

"How can you be both?" I asked.

He said, "I'm not of this world. I am an alien because I have this like crazy connection to God, and He like loves me.It's way out in the universe or something."

"And the bird?" I asked.

"Oh that's because I would fly away if I could."

Robert is hilarious to talk to. And amazing when he doesn't smell like a landfill. Someone once told me that consciousness, self-awareness, and awareness of God is a function of intellect or IQ. I think Robert is living proof that theory is wrong. Perhaps the intelligent can verbally articulate their experience better, but certainly not be anymore aware. He is more self-aware that he is in Christ then many Christians. And he certain is no genius. Forget that he can't spell his last name.

Today he tells me that he wears long pants because if he can't find a bathroom then no one can see "it" running down his legs. He said it may smell a little bad, but if he wore shorts then people would see. I told him it would be better to drop trou and pee wherever, but he insisted that would be vulgar.

So Robert is conscious that he is an alien in a foreign land. That, as scripture says, he is in the world but not of it. A simple truth, but so hard for us smart ones to understand as fully as Robert does. It is beautiful to know that it doesn't take IQ, talent, family, money, or anything else to come to that to the knowledge of who we are in Christ.

BTW... Robert insists that what he is wearing on his head is not a doo-rag, but a Lor-ral. I asked him to spell it, and he said, "It starts with a 'L.'"  LOL

Lastly, I did learn that he is having some issues displaying his art. I think the opportunity may be gone. Additionally, I need to confirm this, but his source of supplies may have dried up as well. So I am going to try to get him some supplies next week. I am thinking though of starting him his own website to display and sell his work. Will keep you posted on that one.

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