Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Kingdom of God & The Father

Beatitude by Arlissa Vaughn
Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

It has been previously discussed in The Kingdom of God post that this concept preached by Jesus of the kingdom of God is a place, a thing, a noun. It is a place that is bordered by a boundary.

Moving a little further in this attempt to articulate my perception and experience in the kingdom, I can say that the kingdom of God is where The Father is. It is the spiritual space occupied by His radiant glory.

I will not get into an argument or theological discussion about the doctrine of the trinity. But it willl suffice to say that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, but seperate. A prime example is the Father cannot look upon sin, but Christ can.

So in this seperate but one mentality, the kingdom of God can be looked at as that spiritual space the Father occupies. Additionally, those that are inside the space have access to the Father and an understanding of His glory. I have a full theological development, and biblical proof of all of this, but will forgo the details to say that Matt 5:8 speaks of this when it says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." The pure at heart experience God the Father in this life, not just postmortem.

In the end, this recognition of the kingdom of God reveals the life cycle of the Christian. We are saved through Christ. His blood covers our sins, allows the Father to look upon us from His kingdom, and allows the Holy Spirit to start His work. When we look at the kingdom in this Saved state we see a formidable wall. We see a Father high on His throne, and that throne is inaccessible. And so the Holy Spirit begins His purifying work. The cross of Christ bears down on our soul, and works until it brings that very soul to surrender. At the place of surrender we are empty of ourselves, and it is here the empty vessel can begin to be filled with Christ. The surrendered soul is the purified heart. And it is once again Christ, and Him living in us that grants us entrance to the kingdom of God and access to the Father. It is here spiritual vision begins.

From outside the kingdom the boundary appears a formidable wall only breached by physical death and being resurrected inside. But from the inside the kingdom you can see that this wall is not a wall at all, but people, alive on the earth today, linked arm in arm who at about the work of the Father to expand it.

From outside the kingdom denominations are truths or lies. From inside the kingdom denominations are communities and parts of the body. They are a subset of the whole, the whole being the complete body of Christ.

From outside the kingdom adulterers, homosexuals, drunks, can never ever get in, or achieve eternal life. From inside the kingdom you understand that the blood of Christ covers the person not the behavior. You can see that they are not a Sinner, but a potential child of God because of the blood. The sin is not who they are, therefore hope remains.

Inside the kingdom love is clearer, and it looks nothing like the world's definition. Inside the kingdom favorite scripture has new meaning.

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