Monday, August 8, 2011

In My Father's House

John 14:2, "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you."

It has been over 2000 years since Jesus left to prepare us a place. Do you think it is really taking that long? Do you think the God of the Universe who spoke everything into existence is in heaven laboring to build mansions? Was this why He was born a carpenter's son?

I hardly think so. And moreover, why would he spend so much time preparing a place if it is in fact some type of "mansion" in a place that will be destroyed. Remember, Revelation says there will be a new earth and a new heaven. God is not going to restore heaven or earth because both have been contaminated by sin.

So perhaps this place that Jesus said He was going to prepare was really our place in God's kingdom. Perhaps it is our place to stand in the kingdom of God. A kingdom that is here and now.

Jesus as a child was separated from His parents. He was found, according to His words, in "My Father's House." I think this speaks prophetic volumes as to God's true intent with us as believers. I think is says we can be found in the Father's House, which is very much also the kingdom of God.

Now some might think that they are in the kingdom of God because they are saved. Others might have no idea what it even means when I say the kingdom of God. But there are those, that the subject is one of complete unspeakable understanding. If you are in the kingdom of God, you first of all know it. Secondly, I am finding that if you are, there really is no articulation for the experience or place. There are plenty of ways to articulate how to get in. There are even ways to articulate the behavior that manifest from inside. But the inside... it is truly other worldly and very difficult to articulate.

After salvation, and before the kingdom of God our prayers are about things that have gone wrong, and disturbances in our lives. We do not identify with the ever presence of God in His kingdom. We do not understand that our very existence is about "My Father's Business."

Oswald Chambers says this, "Narrow it down to your individual circumstances - are you so identified with the Lord's life that you are simply a child of God, continually talking to Him and realizing that all things come from His hands? Is the Eternal Child in you living in the Father's house? Are the graces of His ministering life working out through you in your home, in your business, in your domestic circle? Have you been wondering why you are going through the things you are? It is not that you have to go through them, it is because of the relation into which the Son of God has come in His Father's providence in your particular sainthood. Let Him have His way, keep in perfect union with Him."

Perfect union with Him occurs inside the kingdom of God. Truly knowing you are His child comes from surrender which leads to the kingdom of God.

Inside the kingdom of God you not only know all things work together for good, but you begin to see how things work together for good. Inside the kingdom of God you not only hear His word, but you see how to apply it, and when to apply it. Inside the kingdom of God there are no denominations, but there is the understanding of community and communities. Inside the kingdom of God pain still hurts, but its purpose is seen and the joy allows it to be endured. Inside the kingdom of God true agape love is taught and expressed. Inside the kingdom of God there is no "doing" but there is a lot of "being" and standing.

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