Monday, August 22, 2011

Jesus Is Not A Socialists

Acts 4:32, "And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them."

I read an article that argued Jesus was a socialist/communist. The author used Acts 4:32 in support of this. I have to laugh at his reasoning. He thinks that because scripture says the early church had the attitude nothing was their own it means they were giving it over to some form of government. On the contrary, when the early church regarded nothing as their own, they were also regarding everything as belonging to God... not government.

As a result the church cared for their own.

Today I got an e-mail of Acts 4:32 proportions. I won't go into details but to say that the relief I feel is like going from the bottom of an ocean with a giant weight strapped to your ankle to the peaceful serenity of a hot air balloon ride. From crushing weight, to lighter than air. I thank God for His faithfulness, and I thank the givers for their obedience.

It is so relieving I have a hard time with not feeling guilty or obligated. Imagine God's provision coming through the hand of another individual. Someone who worked hard, or at least took risks to have the extra. Why should I be the beneficiary? How can I not be obligated? How can I not feel inferior to their abilities to create abundance, while I create lack?

I don't understand it, but I am the beneficiary because that is how God set it up. That within the body, one part supports the other so that the whole can be well and operate completely.

Jesus is not a socialist. He is not a capitalist for that matter. He is the head of the Body. He is the brain that dispatches the Body's natural healing process. He coordinates the parts so that the whole is in good working order, as everything belongs to Him.

Be encouraged that if you are part of the body lacking, God's provision is on its way. If you are part of the body with excess, please obey in your giving because there is a part of the body in need.

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