Thursday, August 4, 2011

Collective Obedience

John 14:21, "He who has My commandments and keeps them (OBEYS) is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."

There is a thought out there called collective salvation which I have not studied, and my title for this post is in no way intended to reflect any belief in collective salvation. That said, I believe this post is for everyone, and I pray that you make it all the way to the end.

I had lunch the other day with a minister friend of mine. Among the many things we talked about one of the subjects was opportunities for me to preach. I was actually laughing about it. It is just like God for me to have so many pastor friends, and none have invited me to their pulpits. To that my friend suggested that I volunteer to preach at Church Under the Bridge. He explained that they have a service everyday and are always looking for someone to preach. I am pursuing that in obedience, and we will see what comes of it.

But that is not the point. The point is I was honest with him, and now you, that even though I know preaching is part of what God has called me to, I still look at it as a source of income. After all, in the non-denominational circles there is always a love offering for the visiting preacher. I also confessed that this is a hindrance to the opportunity, because it represents not trusting God in all possibilities to provide while I go about obeying Him.

So it got me thinking... I thought of all the para-church ministries out there with ministers struggling to make ends meet and to provide for their families. For example jail chaplains are there voluntarily and always looking for outside support. Or even Church Under the Bridge. I don't believe they get more than a button or two passing the plate to the homeless. And yet these people groups are loved by God. They suffer in life, in part so that we can have opportunity to obey and love them in whatever capacity God is calling us to. Sometimes that may be financial support of the minister or ministry. Other times it might be time, prayer, whatever.

I then look at the affects of the blog. It represents my obedience, and a rather easy act of obedience at that. And yet I see time and time again how my obedience ripples out affecting others lives to the positive, and drawing people closer to Christ.

We are the body of Christ. Our obedience in effect is for our own good. It does not matter what label you put on your church community. It can be Catholic, Methodists, Non-denominational, any variation of Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Lord and Savior. When you are saved you are part of one body. If your left hand refuses to obey, or obeys slowly then the whole body suffers, including the left hand. And this is by God's design. When we partake of the juice/wine of communion we are not just acknowledging Jesus as atonement for our sins, but we are spiritually sharing the same blood as our part in the body of Christ. Likewise with the bread. It is Christ Body and in eating of it, we make a spiritual acknowledgment of our connection.

Does this mean that if I don't obey, then God is never able to act in that same way for the other person? Absolutely not, but if I do act, that ripple of blessing returns back to me all the faster. If we do act, we are doing so for ourselves, because we are part of the body. At some point when we as a body of Christ collective obey, then the blessing of God, the disclosure of Himself in experience, will occur more frequently. The entrance into the depths of the Kingdom of God will come for more, and we will all begin to see clearer. God will say clap... and the left and right hand of the Body of Christ will come together in harmony and speed.

A friend of mine is praying to hear God's voice more clearly. While at Sonic he felt compelled to tip the bell hop $100. He described to me his reluctance to do this. Not that he was worried about the money, but fearful of looking stupid. Upon handing the tip the bell hop was visibly moved. My friend asked if the $100 meant something. The Bell Hop replied, I am $100 short on rent and have been praying for a solution. I had just given up and asked to borrow it from my boss.

Do you see the ripple?

I am asking everyone that makes it to this point -- pray, and obey! If God is telling you to give anyone money, please write the check right now. 1 Timothy 6:17-18, "Instruct those who are rich in this present world... instruct them do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." I am not the only one out there ministering the word of God believing He will provide. I am not the only part of the body of Christ that is financially hurting. Scripture time and time again has finances coming from the believers. In the context of the Body, this is only appropriate. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:17, "Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account." Give for yourself. Give to increase your account, knowing that any blessing to any part of the body is a blessing for the whole of which you are a part in Christ.

If He is telling you to pray... then pray. To call someone... call them. Someone on your heart to invite to lunch... then what are you waiting for. Invite them. Start the ripple.

Finally if you do obey, God promises to show you Himself in the aftermath of that obedience.

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