Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Matthew 25:45, "...Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me."

What an interesting day God had for me. I met a friend of mine for lunch. I would describe him as an itinerary preacher who by day makes a living in whatever business venture comes his way. I have no idea what the ultimate purpose of God arranging the meeting, but I think he will agree that it was is fact His plan. We talked for over an hour, and one thing that he said to me as I shared where I felt like God was bringing me to was this. He said, if I felt called to preach that I should preach to those who cannot afford to give an offering. He said that he could take me to a bridge where homeless gathered and would love to be preached to.

I didn't say anything, but I kind of chuckle because this blog is full of the very people he was speaking of. But I guess I didn't say anything because I really don't consider the ministry to the homeless, and downcast as "preaching." Ministering to the downcast is 2-way communication not a 1-way sermon. It is getting to know them where they are. But the whole point of going through this discussion is to get to my afternoon and Robert.

Robert is a 57 year old man who hangs out at the coffee shop/church where my men's group meets. I know his name because as soon as he knows yours he is there looking for a handout. I and many others have contributed to his survival. But today I saw him sitting in the corner reading. As I walked over the stench of body odor hit my nostrils. It was almost nauseating, but I sat close enough to engage him if the opportunity arose. Even at a place where he is a familiar fixture, he is often dismissed. Rightfully so I assume, but dismissed none the less. After all, how often can you meet someone that within the first 3 sentences is asking for money. But today, because of my lunch, I wanted to really engage him.

So Robert finished reading and tucked his book neatly into a quilted book cover/carrying case and I asked, What are you reading Robert?

He replied, "The H O L Y Bible." If you could have seen the toothless smile on his face as he proclaimed that. In fact he was not only reading the bible, but Job of all books. In an instant Robert jumped to his birthday, to art, and back again. All very eloquent conversation, but without any cohesion. So I asked. Robert about where he lives.

He explained that he was a "ward of the county." That he was a "habitual offender and a felonious public nuisance." I think he likes the title of felonious public nuisance because he repeated it several times giggling the whole time. He continued explaining that the county supplies him with a residence which is 2 bus rides and a train away from our current local. From there he jumped to families not being today what they once were. That no one in his family wanted him. That none would support or help him. I asked, why?

He said, I provide nothing of value.

Probing further I find out that Robert has spent years homeless and on the streets. But I pointed out that I know many people that love him. That support him, and who are his friends. I pointed out his watch that I know he got for his birthday.

Then I asked, what did you learn about reading Job? He said, that as bad as he has had it, he did not have it as bad as Job.

So I asked, does God love you?

His reply with a beaming smile... "Oh yes!"

I asked, How do you know He loves you?... 90 secs or more of silence... I could see the tears coming to his eyes and sense the shear appreciation he was experiencing. He was silent. I was silent. His expression was all I needed to know he feels the love of God. But finally he answered. He said, "He saved my life."

We continued our conversation when and I asked, "Robert, why has God put you here?"

His answer was, "To be an artist." Again, that trade mark toothless smile.

And I laugh. Robert's art use to hang all over the coffee shop. In fact, he even convinced them to sell it for him. One day he was begging money, and not having any to give I probed on what skills he had to "earn" some money.  He explained then that the artwork scattered about was his and for sale. I said, why don't you put some price tags on it so people know it's for sale and how much.  He immediately that day went and got some paper, and put $50 prices on all his art. I of course thought the price should be lower... more like $10, but Robert was having none of that. He stuck to his guns.

Today as he said he was an artist I looked around the room. All that artwork had been sold. He now has 2 new pieces up. So much for me pricing his art too low.

Which brings up another lesson - - Robert has been told all his life he was of no "value." And yet he values himself enough to not "give" his art away. $50 for what is often a pencil drawing on a plan piece of paper to me is excessive. And yet, God has given Robert value. A value Robert recognizes. A recognition that comes out in the pricing of his artwork.

Robert is a "simple" man, but God is using him. He has planted him in a community for people like me to come and practice my "preaching" and loving on.

If you are interested in supporting Robert as an artist, his works are $50 each. Additionally if you are wondering what his art looks like, then you have missed the point all together.

God's love will never cease to amaze me. That a simple man like Robert, cast aside by society because of value and a lack of mental faculties, and yet God has saved his life. God has brought him from the streets to a home. God has given him friends and support. God is not prejudiced by a smell or a mouth only half full of teeth. And what amazes me more is that Robert knows this. That he is conscious of God's love. Whoa to me. Whoa to those who are rich and who do not understand and experience the love of God like Robert has. Shame on us.

1 comment:

  1. Robert rocks. He came up to me one day earlier this year, when I most certainly needed it, and gave me a button that read, "I AM LOVED." I still have that original one, and found some online to purchase and pass out, including giving Robert one on a day he looked like he needed reminding. God definitely uses him, and I truly appreciate and love him. Next time you talk to him, ask him about how much he loves to play the harmonica. :)
